Auto Deconstruct Loot, Reconstructed

Automatically marks items left lying about for deconstruction around spots where entities die.

2 years ago

b [Fixed in 1.1.3] 1.1.2 crash with Trees Mod

3 years ago

Hello! Your mod was super useful once there is tons of loot to pick up from biter waves, but it seems the new version has caused a the Treees mod to no longer work. Any possible update/solution would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

3 years ago

Screenshot of the error message I received.

3 years ago

Good catch. Trees was just the messenger here though - 1.1.2 crashes if anything dies to damage before a new game with it is saved and reloaded. Should be fixed in 1.1.3.

3 years ago

Right on! I noticed it was doing more funk with other stuff but just assumed it was on my end, thanks do the help!

3 years ago

Right on! I noticed it was doing more funk with other stuff but just assumed it was on my end, thanks for the help!

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