Auto Deconstruct Loot, Reconstructed

Automatically marks items left lying about for deconstruction around spots where entities die.

2 years ago


Version: 1.1.4
Date: 21. 09. 2022
    - Reintroduced optional Construction Robotics technology check.
	- Added global run-time disable option to suspend it if things get laggy.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 28. 02. 2022
    - Addressed crash when starting a brand new game with this mod instead of loading a save.
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 27. 02. 2022
    - Now only orders deconstruction of loot inside construction network range.
    - Settings added to configure time delay, area sensitivity, and detection methods
    - Loot locations tracked on a per-chunk basis instead of per-entity
    - Battle locations tracked on a per-chunk basis instead of universal timer
    - If more than one force has construction coverage of a dropped item, only the first force in iteration order gets to deconstruct (see FFF #368)