Auto Upgrade deprecated

by canidae

Automatically install/upgrade modules and upgrade entities using construction robots.

8 years ago

g Discontinued or not?

8 years ago

Since there are no timestamps, and the last update is only two weeks old, I'm wondering.

Also: bots can install modules. Well, since not that long ago you can blueprint an entity with modules and the blueprint will make bots install the modules. But apparently that's not exposed to the modding API?

8 years ago

I've discontinued the mod. As far as I can tell it's not possible to tell bots to bring modules to an existing entity, you have to set that up when creating the entity (hence the need to remove the entity and building a new one).
You probably already know about it, but I recommend the mod by Klonan for doing most of what this mod (bar installing modules, which really was the most useful feature of this one, if it had only worked as well as I wanted it to):

8 years ago

Thanks for the response. Yes, too bad about the module thing which is annoying. I see that as an incomplete (some would call that "half-assed") implementation. Better than nothing, sure, but not as good as it should be.

And I do use Klonan's all the time, I just would have liked something even more automated (in the true spirit of Factorio :D)

8 years ago

Hi canidae,

Actually, I really like how your mod works, even with the deconstruction of entity to upgrade the modules. Such approach does require more careful approach for some factory setups, but other that that it works great for me. It would be really a shame if you discontinue the mod. Other than one crash that I got in 30 hours of playing with your mod (described in another topic here), it is perfect.

8 years ago

Hi GustofTime, I appreciate your feedback.

As much as I'd really want this mod to work, there's just too many issues that it may cause. I guess you've already seen it, but just in case: I wrote down the issues that easily happens in the "Information" tab.
Klonan's mod works pretty well so I recommend that, even though it's not as automated as I like things to be, and it doesn't handle modules. If I figure out a way to install modules without removing the previous entity I may very well release a new mod that does this, but so far I'm under the impression that this is currently not possible in the modding API.

7 years ago

For those looking for a mod to insert modules into structures i have used Choumiko Module Inserter mod that works well for inserting modules into entities

New response