Upgrade Builder and Planner deprecated

by Klonan

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16
8 years ago
Latest Version:
1.5.3 (6 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 0.16
Downloaded by:
287 users

Upgrade Planner

Using the selection tool 'Upgrade Builder' you can select items to upgrade. Set your configuration using the mod menu, accessed with the button in the top left or the upgrade planner hotkey ('U' by default)

Then select items to upgrade, and they will be upgraded using items from your inventory.
By holding 'Shift' while selecting an area, the upgrade will be performed using construction robots.

1.4.11 - Fix issue with drop down index
1.4.10 - Fixed small error
1.4.9 - Fixed upgrading assembling machines without a recipe set
1.4.8 - Fixed upgrading beacons with modules
1.4.7 - Fixed raised_event error, fixed rail ghosts would expire instantly, fixed upgrading modules in blueprints
- Added support for upgrading rails and curved rails
- Configs will be verified on configuration to check for item prototype changes
- Fixed error with old invalid configs
- Fixed error when dropdown index could become out of range

1.4.5 - Add upgrading tiles in blueprints, Fix configs not switching properly again, other cleanup and fixes
1.4.4 - Fixed config wouldn't switch properly, Fixed trying to upgrade tiles in blueprints
1.4.3 - Fixed clearing items wouldn't update the config
1.4.2 - Fixed rules not being cleared properly
1.4.1 - Fix choose elem button triggering for other mod guis
1.4.0 - New Gui for rulesets, upgrade modules, upgrade modules in blueprints, fixed some other minor issues.
Removed deconstructing trees, use filtered deconstruction planners, I felt it was outside the scope of the mod.
I also cleaned up a lot of the original authors code, or some other maintainers. It is somewhat cleaner now

1.2.17 - Able to upgrade blueprints, also added hotkey for toggling gui visibility and button visiblity

1.2.16 - Hacked in choose elem button

1.2.14 - Removed distance checking as it was annoying, Fixed raised event error.

1.3.9 - Adds a new item and recipe (unlocked with Upgrade builder technology) - "Upgrade Builder" - that allows you to replace entities on the map using construction robots. Entities are replaced by hand unless you hold shift when selecting an area to mark it for bots to upgrade.

Original Mod By kds71
Version 1.1.10 by malk0lm
Updated to 0.13.6 by Slayer1557
Improved to use 0.13 API features by Klonan

Version 1.1.12 - Added German Localization courtesy of Luma88 and Russian courtesy of RikkiLook. BUXFIX: Underground belts will now maintain their orientation when upgraded.
Version 1.2 - I asked Klonan if we could cooperate and incorporate his version of the mod. The result is a much more powerful Upgrade builder. Now you are able to upgrade entities by hand, rather than relying on robots. You can still tell robots to do it by holding the shift key when designating the area.
Version 1.2.2 - Minor fixes and further cleanup by Klonan, recipe changed to deconstruction planner, Change from text button to image button
Version 1.2.3 - Uses better method where possible to replace entities.
Version 1.2.5 - For factorio 0.14 - Added support for deconstructing trees like this:

Version 1.2.6 - Upgrade planner will now raise events preplayer_mined_item, player_mined_item and on_built_entity
Version 1.2.7 - Fixed on_built_entity error
Version 1.2.8 - Fixed error about removed mod items
Version 1.2.9 - If you upgrade one half of an underground belt it will try to upgrade the other half
Version 1.2.11 - Fixed gui not showing on player joining a game
Version 1.2.12 - Fixed belt not valid crash
Version 1.2.12 - Fixed another belt not valid crash
Version 1.2.15 - 0.15 compatibility, New gui