Auto Track Laying

Automatically lay track ghosts when walking or driving over them.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Video Let's Test

3 years ago

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3 years ago

That's pretty cool! I didn't understand what you were saying, so I hope you were positive about it. If you have suggestions to make it better let me know.

I saw you used it together with bots, which is def possible, though the main idea was to make something for easier track-laying for early game, before you have bots. But it's def still useful once you have bots too.

One thing I also want to mention is that the mod also works when inside a locomotive. So you can ride in a train over the tracks, and it will build the tracks in front of the train too!

3 years ago

Ja, ich habe ausschließlich positiv über diesen Mod gesprochen. Es hat mir Spaß gemacht den Mod vorzustellen. Danke für den Hinweis, dass dieser Mod auch in der Lokomotive funktioniert.

Yes, I've only spoken positively about this mod. I had fun introducing the mod. Thanks for pointing out that this mod also works in the locomotive.

3 years ago

Awesome! Thanks :D

I also clarified the description, so it's more clear it also works in the locomotive for other people too. Thanks!

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