Assembler Pipe Passthrough

Adds more pipe connections to allow assemblers (chem plants, refineries, pumpjacks and modded miners (all toggled by settings)) to pass through fluids, like electric miners.

1 year, 9 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b AAI Industries - Waiting Info

4 years ago


can you please have a look into AAI Industries. I get an error with assembling machine 4 and pipe connection distance need to be one off.

Thx, steinio.

4 years ago

Hi steinio,

Did you have a list of mods that you are trying to use in connection with this?
I've looked into, however, it doesn't seem to add an assembling-machine-4


4 years ago

Hi, sorry here the correct log output:

184.157 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "industrial-furnace" (assembling-machine): Invalid fluid pipe connections: connections must all be at least 1 tile distance from each other.
assembling-machine fluidbox 4 connection 1 ends up being the same tile as assembling-machine fluidbox 5 connection 1.

Mods to be disabled:
• aai-industry (0.4.4)
• assembler-pipe-passthrough (0.1.10)
• dont-build-on-ores (0.2.0)
• Dont_lose_in_progress_ingredients (1.0.2)

Had the wrong name remembered and no time to test again.

4 years ago

Thanks, fixed in 0.1.11

4 years ago


sorry but now Angel's Petrochem errors:

199.729 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "angels-electric-boiler" (assembling-machine): Invalid fluid pipe connections: connections must all be at least 1 tile distance from each other.
assembling-machine fluidbox 1 connection 1 ends up being the same tile as assembling-machine fluidbox 1 connection 3.

Mods to be disabled:
• angelspetrochem (0.9.5)
• assembler-pipe-passthrough (0.1.11)
• dont-build-on-ores (0.2.0)
• Dont_lose_in_progress_ingredients (1.0.2)
• space-exploration (0.2.11)

Is it possible to detect if the distance is larger than 1 beforehand and if not take universal measures for every mod?

Cu, steinio

3 years ago

Same problem with Space Exploration. There are a few different assembly machines that have pipes on both sides. Is there a way to exclude those from the pipe modifications?

3 years ago

sorry but now Angel's Petrochem errors:
• angelspetrochem (0.9.5)
• assembler-pipe-passthrough (0.1.11)

Apologies for only just checking in on this; angelspetrochem compability was added in 0.1.12

Same problem with Space Exploration.
Could you please be a little more specific?
There is already some compatibility for Space Exploration - however this hasn't been updated since 0.1.2

3 years ago

Sorry just saw this, I'm getting the error message again so I can be more specific.

3 years ago

It says SE Life support facility is having the problem. SE decontamination facility has the same skeleton, so it would likely also warrant checking. assembly machine fluidbox 4 connection 1 is the same tile as assembly machine fluidbox 5 connection 1 or something like that.

3 years ago


appmod.blacklist['se-space-decontamination-facility'] = true

It appears that the decontamination facility is already excluded.
Can you please provide a complete list of mods that are in play so I can troubleshoot?


3 years ago

SE life support facility and decontamination facility are different buildings, Is the life support facility also excluded?
here's a save:
It throws errors in assembler pipe passthrough, AAI industry, and SE when I try to start Factorio with your mod.

3 years ago

Just looked at the source code and it looks like it is.
(appmod.blacklist['se-space-lifesupport-facility'] = true)
Maybe because the life support facility can also be placed on land? That may be listed as a separate building in SE code.

3 years ago

Yes, the entity: 'se-space-lifesupport-facility' is also excluded.

Thanks for the save, I'll have a dig around that later today.


3 years ago

Maybe because the life support facility can also be placed on land? That may be listed as a separate building in SE code.

There is a second entity...

Can you please add the following to your data-updates.lua and test for me please?

appmod.blacklist['se-lifesupport-facility'] = true

New response