Assembler Pipe Passthrough v2

Adds more pipe connections to allow assemblers, chemical plants and refineries to pass through fluids, like electric miners do. Modified version based on EnigmaticAussies work, with configurations for SE entities added

1 year, 2 months ago
Fluids Manufacturing

b Incompatible with Unipipe

1 year, 23 days ago

Unipipe extracter and filler doesn't work with ur mod, bc that mod has hidden assembler. I fixed it with this additions to ur mod in data-updates (where u have blacklist-entities):

if mods["Unipipe"] then
appmod.blacklist["zy-unipipe-fill"] = true
appmod.blacklist["zy-unipipe-extract"] = true
appmod.blacklist["zy-unipipe-hidden-assembler"] = true

I don't sure about "x-fill" and "x-extract" lines. I just blacklisted them for reinsurance sake, but I think it doesn't really matter. 3-rd line works absolutely. Unipipe works again (ehe-he). You can investigate further and check it urself when you can. I hope u will fix this problem and update ur mod ("officially" this time). Oh, and btw, can u somehow change position or somewhat input-output icons on entities, especially when "you" deal with "oil proccessing" and e.t.c. stuff? It's so problematic bc half of icons position urself on other icons and you gamble with inputs/outputs.

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