Artillery Bombardment Remote

Directs your artillery to bombard a selected area without having to target individual shots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Uhhh,...where's the rght click option to set spacing ?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Changelog from 2018 :
Added right-click options for tuning the spacing of shots with standard bombardment remote, and for avoiding creating shots within a specified radius for the smart remote

But there's no right click option.
On my game right clicking does nothing either with smart remote or with standard remote.
What am i missing here ?

5 years ago

Are you right-clicking on the item in the toolbar or in the inventory? The new 0.17 toolbar doesn't allow right-click into right-clickable items which makes the right-click config behavior unfortunately a bit unintuitive.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

OK, thanks.
It's working (right click in inventory).

It doesn't work before because initially i use "shortcut mod" :
So, there's no option with right clicking since there's no item / recipe at all.

I guess i have to report the issue to shortcut mod page to retain the right click functionality, if it's even possible.

Btw, can you made a functionality to auto spacing based on the shell ?
For instance, i use Atomic shell, from "Atomic Artillery mod"
It has explosion radius of 50 ( i think)

I plan to make two set of artillery train, the one with nuclear payload is to clear big area.
And the one with vanilla shell is to clear small area.
So i don't have to switch back and forth the right click setting .

Or if it's not possible, too hassle to work with, can you make the right click setting to be saved/restored, as preset ?

Another suggestion :
Instead of right clicking, how about the setting is accessible as a GUI on top ? Just like many mod does it.
This way, if the player use "Shortcut mod", they still can access the "spacing setting".

Furthermore, i only realize the spacing setting because i read the changelog, i have no idea the spacing setting exist, since you didn't put the functionality in the information / description.

Anyway, if the setting exist as GUI, a new user will recognize the "Artillery Bombardment remote" is also comes with spacing setting.
And as GUI, many mod use it as a way to saved / restore preset.

5 years ago

The "smart-artillery-exploration-remote" could be used for atomic ammo to only drop one nuke per chunk

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