Armor Frames

Add armor variations for each tier with class themed abilities. Frame classes have the ability to interface with a 'Buddy' which provides extra functions on their respective class branches.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Optional compibility with Krastorio 2

2 years ago

Hi again!
Great mod, but I really lack compibility with Krastorio 2 equipment.
Things with KR2 equipment changes are SO bad that I can't even use personal roboport MK1 with your Frames :(

2 years ago

Krastorio2 does change a bunch of stuff o.o
Managed to patch the equipment grids, but haven't tested it much. Haven't really ran a KR2 playthrough before, maybe I should check it out at some point :D
Patched in 0.5.3

2 years ago

Thank you!
KR2 is worth the try IMHO :)

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