Armor Frames

Add armor variations for each tier with class themed abilities. Frame classes have the ability to interface with a 'Buddy' which provides extra functions on their respective class branches.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.18 - 1.1


Version: 0.5.4
Date: 2022-06-09
    - Fixed a crash when dying with Production armor on
Version: 0.5.3
Date: 2022-06-06
    - Added optional copmatibility with Krastorio2's Equipment grid changes
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 2022-05-31
    - Fixed compatibility with Reverse Factory mod
Version: 0.5.1
Date: 2022-05-25
    - Fixed fish recipe appearing as its own crafting category
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 2022-05-24
    - Added frame mastery technologies
    - Logistic branch:
      - Added Breeding Aquarium
      - Added Automated Warehouse
    - Energy branch:
      - Added Energy Drones (mk1, mk2, mk3)
    - Production branch:
      - Added Brickmaker
      - Added Concrete Mixer
    - Combat branch:
      - Added Vision Tower
      - Added Enhanced Radar
    - Some bonuses that came from frame branch specialisations are now instead part of the frame mastery tachnologies
    - Fixed production barrelers appearing as an option on some recipes
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 2021-12-18
    - Fixed Dreadnought capsule deploy and recall
    - Added Combat Frames description
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 2021-12-18
    - Added Combat branch:
      - 5 Armor frames
      - 2 Turrets - Shotgun and Sniper turret
      - 1 Equipment - Auto defense turret
      - 2 Vehicles - Mechatank and Tripod
      - 3 Combat Robots - Escort, Vanguard and Executors
      - 1 Buddy - Dreadnought (Combat Robot)
      - Combat Frame technology increases follower combat robot count
    - Updated to required Factorio version 1.1
    - Logistic Buddy - raised movement speed significantly.
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2020-11-07
      - Added Energy branch:
        - 5 Armor frames
        - 1 Buddy (Turret) and 1 Buddy/Vehicle (Saucer)
        - 3 Equipment (Personal battery - Overclocked, Energy shield - Overclocked, Personal laser defense - Overclocked)
        - Portable/Linked Solar Panel, Accumulator, Eletric Poles
        - Energy frames use their built-in Accumulators and Solar Panels to plug into and supply nearby electric networks and machines
    - All buddies have a recipe cost now and they return to inventory if you remove the required Buddy Interface Equipment controlling them.
    - Production Buddy - Drill base productivity changed from 0 to 1.
    - Production Buddy - Pump base productivity changed from 0 to 1.
    - Buddies will no longer be recalled when you equip another frame which has a Support Buddy Interface in its grid.
    - Removed event which blocks use in multiplayer. Mod should be able to load in multiplayer, but has not been tested.
    - Cleaning up removed linked entities (personal production items) instead of hanging onto dead data. This should take care of item prototypes being changed.
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 2020-08-22
    - Swapped Logistic buddy construction/deconstruction priority. Now it will try to deconstruct everything in range before construction to enable cut->paste functionality.
    - Fixed a crash on player death when having a Production frame equipped
    - Fixed specialised fluid handlers not being able to handle fluids
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2020-08-21
    - Fixed a crash when Logistic buddy deconstructs a cliff. Buddy should not deconstruct cliffs anymore.
Version: 0.2.1
Date: 2020-08-21
    - Logistic branch:
      - Added construction and deconstruction support to Logistic buddy.
      - Added a timeout between Logistic buddy commands to lower its command spam
      - Added a preview interface for the currently deployed buddy showing its current intent
      - Changed buddy map color to pure white to be easier to track
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2020-08-16
    - Added Production branch:
      - 5 Armor frames
      - 3 Buddies (Drill, Pumpjack, Beacon)
      - 1 Vechile (Production Car)
      - 2 Equipment (Portable Lab, Nuclear Vent)
      - Portable/Linked Furnace, Assembling Machines, Labs
      - Alternate crafting recipes with filled barrels instead of liquid
    - Fixed a crash when buddy is destroyed by removed Buddy Interface
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020-08-16
    - Fixed a crash on starting new game in Factorio 1.0
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020-08-02
    - Added Support branch
      - 3 Equipment (Buddy Interface, Small Burner Generator, Support Shields)
    - Added Logistics branch
      - 5 Armor frames
      - 1 Buddy (AI unit)
      - 4 Equipment (Protoport, Inventory Extender, Transport Booster, Adv. Exoskeleton)
      - Prototype logistic network (Protonetwork)
      - Logistic and Construction protobots
      - Logistic network extenders
      - Storage, Requester and Buffer protochests