Making the Spidertron friendly for individuals with arachnophobia
Provides configuration options to make the Spidertron playable for arachnophobic players. By default, hides the legs of the Spidertron, displaying laser-pointers at the feet. Includes new options to customize the color of the lights, the number of the lights, and to change the number of legs as an alternative to hiding them.
Suggestions and Bug Reports
I want to make this as accessible and supportive as possible, if you would like to see additional features or changes, please do let me know on the discussion tab, forums, or an issue over on GitHub. I am also on the Factorio Discord (Kira#1860).
You are welcome to help with localization, please use this Crowdin project. You can find more details here.
Number of legs
Choose how many legs are displayed, selecting from two (2) legs through to eight (8) legs. Click here for a preview of all seven configurations; warning: 8 legged version is present. -
Leg Display Style
Choose how legs are displayed by hiding them, replacing the Spidertron's legs with laser-pointers at the feet, or leaving them visible. Click here for a preview of the three settings; warning: 8 legged version is present. -
Display dust particles
Some players may prefer to have dust particles, even with invisible legs, but for those that do not, toggle them off using this setting. -
Mute legs
Silence the sound of the legs in motion. -
Mute feet
Silence the sound of footsteps. -
Eye Color
Select from a range of 13 eye colors -
Light-up eyes
Choose whether one or some or all of four sets of eyes are lit, or whether they are dark. -
Replace icons
Choose whether to replace the Spidertron icon and technology with a cute rock with googly eyes.