Amator Phasma's Starfall (Addon)

Adds meteorites! They are falling from the sky! This meteorites can be used for ore generation (iron, copper, uran, thorium) or as fuel.

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i frequency of meteorites

4 years ago

could it be added to be able to adjust the spawn rate, cause i been playing with speed increased time, and theirs more red makers then natural resources (not really but you get the point)

4 years ago

yep, comes with the nex update!

4 years ago

Thank you, is there gonna a option to not have a marker placed?

4 years ago

Yes, and I hope I can update this tomorrow, but not serious promise, because I'm doesnt know when I'm home tomorrow.

4 years ago

I don’t mind, when. Take your time. I’m in no rush. I’m also a working Person ,_,

4 years ago

At least the update is released, now you can change these settings: under Settings -> Map

4 years ago


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