Amator Phasma's Nuclear (forked)

by ldinc

fork of orginal mod by Amator Phasma

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [✓] [0.30.4] Cryogenic plant to be able to cool used rods

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

My last one for now.

Not a bug, but a strong suggestion:

The new Cryogenic plant should be able to do most chemical recipes, but also especially: anything the Cooling pond can do. 'Used up fuel rod cooling' and 'Enriched breeder inventory cooling' specifically.

The cooling recipes are balanced to be really slow and take a lot of time. So this would not only fit thematically, it would offer a meaningful, late game-ish bonus with its enhanced speed + speed modules to counter the long cooling times - and for which it is already fittingly placed way back in the tech tree.

So they can meaningfully coexist, doubly fitting for this mod.

a month ago

Very nice idea. Crygenic plant has bae crafting speed 2 and more module slots!
I've updated crafting groups for cryogenic-plant entity with 0.30.4 release.
Thank you for finding good solutions of space-age compatability!

a month ago

I love this mod

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