Amator Phasma's Nuclear (forked)

by ldinc

fork of orginal mod by Amator Phasma

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [✓] [0.30.2] Breeder Reactor recipe should be balanced for space-age

a month ago

Balance Request:
Breeder Reactor recipe ingredients. (500x Steel, 500x Concrete, 1x Nuclear reactor, 20x Prod Module 3)

The new prod module 3 is incomparably more difficult to produce in Space Age. It requires biter egg production.
I recommend prod modules 2 instead. Feasible for a blue science era base + operating Space platforms.

a month ago

Hi! Your request is seems be very reasonable!
I've checked recipe and it's really not well fit with SA.

I'll make update recipe some time later, but today and write note about it here =)

a month ago

Updated with 0.30.2 version

a month ago

Good job.

New response