Angel's Smelting Extended

Extension to Angel's Smelting providing all metal mixing recipies to metallurgy (Brass, Bronze, etc) and compression on metal casting (eg. Iron Sheet) as well as casting gear wheels and pipes

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1


-- 0.0.9
- Update to 1.1

-- 0.0.8
- updated to 0.18

-changed alloys recipies to match Angels Alloys smelting aproach (mixing ignots, not liquids)
-added Copper compression
-fixed casting times on Brass compression
-fixed Brass Sheet Coil icon

-added new icons for Advanced Ironworks Technology and Alloys Smelting Technology
-removed redundant graphics files
-added option to switch off standard bobs alloys recipies

-updated mod description

-added Brass, Bronze, Gunmetal, Invar, Electrum, Nitinol, Cobalt-Steel casting plates recipies
-added Iron, Brass compression recipies
-added Iron, Steel, Brass, Titanium Gear Wheel casting using molten metals
-added Iron pipes casting using molten metals
-added Advanced Alloys Smelting Technology 1 (Brass, Bronze), 2 (Gunmetal, Invar) and 3 (Electrum, Nitinol)
-added Advanced Ironworks Technology 1 (Iron compression, Iron Gear Wheel, Iron Pipes), 2(Steel Gear Wheel, Brass compression, Brass Gear Wheel), 3(Titanium Gear Wheel)