Angel's Petrochem NaOH

This mod changes the Saline Water Electrolysis created by Arch666Angel. Now there is one step more to get solid Sodium Hydroxide: Sodium Hydroxide Solution. The ratio is 100 Saline Water to 25 Chloride, 25 Hydrogen and 50 Sodium Hydroxide Solution. The Sodium Hydroxide Solution can be clarified to avoid to store more and more Sodium (Hydroxide).

5 years ago

b Other electrolysis recipes should not be affected

5 years ago

All my existing slag electrolysis lines need to have their piping redone. Hydrogen and Oxygen are being output on the left and centre pipes.

Is it possible to for electrolysers to have their output order as A C B rather than A B C? Recipes with two liquid/gas outputs should not be affected by this mod. They should still output on the left and right pipes and not the centre. The saline water separation recipe can then have liquid sodium hydroxide solution as it's third output so continues to be in the centre.

Thank you for making the mod!

5 years ago

Update - it seems that this is only an issue for electrolysers that exist when the mod is added. Any new ones (or old ones after resetting recipes) are fine. Old ones ones output on A and B. New ones have the second output duplicated on B and C.

Is it possible to add a migration step, to be run when the mod is added? Refreshing all electrolysers recipes.


New response