Angel's Petrochem NaOH

This mod changes the Saline Water Electrolysis created by Arch666Angel. Now there is one step more to get solid Sodium Hydroxide: Sodium Hydroxide Solution. The ratio is 100 Saline Water to 25 Chloride, 25 Hydrogen and 50 Sodium Hydroxide Solution. The Sodium Hydroxide Solution can be clarified to avoid to store more and more Sodium (Hydroxide).

6 years ago
This mod 4 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 4 Required 3 Conflict 0 Optional 1 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 408K
base >= 0.16.0 -
angelsrefining >= 0.7.22 206K
angelspetrochem >= 0.7.8 202K
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.16.8 239
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v16.36.1)