Angel's Petrochemical Processing

Angel's Petrochemical processing changes Oil processing and adds Gas processing, as well as a more complex web of chemical production. Includes overrides and tie-ins to Bob's technologies and recipes. Dependencies: Angel's Refining

11 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
This mod 1 From other mods 292
Dependency types:
Default 230 Required 129 Conflict 7 Optional 117 Hidden 39
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 2.23M
angelssmelting >= 0.9.25 197K
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.9.25 180K
angelsindustries >= 0.9.25 103K
SeaBlock >= 0.9.23 97.9K
SeaBlockMetaPack 71.1K
angelsexploration >= 0.9.21 52.8K
AngelBob 39.6K
Clowns-Processing >= 0.9.20 22.0K
angels-smelting-extended >= 0.9.25 18.2K
AngelsPetroChemExtension >= 0.9.21 12.2K
PCPRedux >= 0.9.21 9.68K
angelssmelting-extended-upgradet >= 0.9.17 9.50K
AngelBob-Petrochem-Power >= 0.9.17 8.24K
AngelBobPy 4.67K
Angel_Carbon_Instead_Coal >= 0.9.0 4.26K
bobangel2021 3.79K
Complex_Science_Pack_Recipes 2.66K
angels-lyko5-finite >= 0.9.17 2.64K
clean_crafting_menu 2.25K
nach0_modpack_angels 2.07K
angels-flare-fix 1.82K
YA-SeaBlock >= 0.9.20 1.04K
Angel_paper_for_phenolic_board >= 0.9.0 1.00K
AngelBobClown 924
MomosTweak >= 0.9.16 825
AngelBob_paper_for_phenolic_board >= 0.9.0 764
seablocksodiumhydroxidesolution >= 0.9.20 694
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 0.9.19 666
Seablock-Tweaks >= 0.9.17 653
MatrixDJ96-Angel-Modpack 599
Dan-MadClown-Science-Cobalt >= 0.9.4 585
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.9.19 527
FrozenWorld 427
MyModPackMuit >= 0.9.21 422
SeaBlockCustomPack-Variant >= 0.9.17 413
AllMods 316
mins-angelbob 274
MinersPack 264
InsaneModpack >= 0.9.17 253
shiverospower >= 0.9.20 214
BABasedModpack >= 0.9.24 200
NulliusBasedModpack >= 0.9.26 189
shiverospetrochem >= 0.9.20 174
jwwolff-mod-pack 162
Factory_Block 154
YiPack >= 0.9.17 152
karosieben_modpack >= 0.9.17 133
N-industrypack 122
seablock-tweaks-for-angels >= 0.9.24 104
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 0.9.19 104
shiverosdeutfusion >= 0.9.20 101
atlas-angelOreus-modpack = 0.9.22 94
only-smelting >= 0.5.9 83
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.9.16 77
landairandseas-modpack 77
wocpack2 62
kayospack 60
space-exploration-bridge-mod >= 0.9.1 56
SpeaceBlock 52
adjustable-angel-valves 52
sbf-angelbob-modpack = 0.9.24 38
Bob_Power_Fix >= 0.8.6 34
Fluoriteblock-angels-hydrogen-rebalance 34
more-petrochem-hell 32
Better_Angels_Smelting >= 0.8.6 25
Swiftdrake 22
bekloppt-pack >= 0.9.20 22
NNCMAngelBob 21
Grado_ABCX 17
PCP >= 0.7.0 16
angelspetrochemNaOH >= 0.7.8 15
Hexy_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.8.6 14
angels-petrochem-nitrogen-fix >= 0.5.10 13
AngelBob_with_qol_Skelich >= 0.9.14 13
voidextension >= 0.5.13 12
AngelsBobsSelection >= 0.9.3 11
angelssmelting-extended >= 0.5.9 10
Sandros-chemics >= 0.9.0 10
LandBlock 10
ABwirefix >= 0.9.4 10
necro_painful_modpack >= 0.8.2 9
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
simplepack_angel > 0.9 9
AngelBob_with_qol >= 0.9.14 9
LandBlock_for_1 9
LandfillConverter 8
Incinerator >= 0.7.12 8
MultipleFlareStackInput 8
sodiumhydroxidesolutionvoid >= 0.8.6 8
UnChained_Tweaks >= 0.4.5 7
WaterBarrels >= 0.1.14 7
sodiumhydroxidesolution >= 0.6.1 7
vintorio 7
pharmaceutic-fabrication 7
sodiumhydroxidesolution-redux >= 0.6.1 6
bot365-nuclear-fuel-reprocessing >= 0.8.1 6
omninaphthafix >= 0.8.6 6
utweaks >= 0.9.14 6
liquidscience >= 0.5 5
mrorangers_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.8.6 5
StephensModPack 5
TestSpeaceBlock 5
axawaasis >= 0.9.14 5
rocket-science >= 0.5.10 4
thecomb-aerogels 4
SulfuricOmnicAcid >= 0.7 4
thecomb-sodiumHydroxideConcrete 4
IBSC-tweak >= 0.7.9 4
RocketBoosterInRocketFuel 4
BaA_Spring_2024_Pack 980
space-exploration 483K
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 398
SeafloorPumpWithoutAngelsPetrochem 244
trigonometric-oil 191
asj-modpack-space 137
sole-survivor 35
cargo-ships >= 0.9.17 222K
angelsaddons-storage >= 0.9.20 171K
reskins-angels >= 0.9.23 101K
reverse-factory 64.0K
RealisticFusionPower 29.1K
Additional-Turret-updated 28.4K
angelsaddons-newlocales 25.5K
Factorio-Tiberium 20.5K
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.9.13 18.2K
Clowns-Science >= 0.9.20 14.8K
omnimatter 13.7K
multi-product-recipe-details 13.2K
dark-matter-replicators-18 12.5K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.2K
Avatars >= 0.5.0 12.1K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.1K
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 0.9.20 8.27K
zJatmnYiFixes >= 0.9.20 8.26K
Common-Industries 7.71K
angelslocaleja_RE >= 0.9.26 6.78K
bobangel-pollution 5.60K
burner-power-progression >= 0.9.20 5.56K
crude-artillery-ship >= 0.9.17 5.31K
more-module-slots 5.20K
fluid_permutations_fixed 5.08K
baraws >= 0.9.17 4.76K
Silly-AbandonedRuins >= 0.9.18 4.56K
AnglesRefiningExtension >= 0.9.20 4.49K
Sandros-fixes >= 0.9.17 4.26K
bobs-custom-circuitry 4.10K
Angels_RBOS 3.98K
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.8.5 3.61K
RLAmod >= 0.9.11 3.35K
CharcoalBurner >= 0.5.9 2.50K
OilPower >= 0.7.4 2.19K
steinios_unlasting_oil 1.94K
Transport_Drones_Fuel_revived 1.88K
super-generous-recipes 1.85K
chemflip 1.50K
Additional-Turret-updated-limits-removed 1.44K
angel-SChinese-Atlas 1.32K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-2-AngelsMods >= 0.0.1 1.20K
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 0.9.17 812
smiU >= 0.9.22 786
duff-seablock-megabase >= 0.9.13 779
NPUtils_LITEv2 >= 0.9.0 768
rubber-ducky 736
Based-Gaming-One-Tiberium 690
kovarex-recipe-fix 472
xcompat_aai-industry >= 0.9.21 410
dark-tech >= 0.9.9 344
Factorio-Tiberium-Makocb-Fork 327
methane-processing-18 326
1stack5k >= 0.7.12 310
ZloyNoInfinite 308
solidfuel_disposal 307
Ingredient_Scrap 296
dirty-fluid-containers >= 0.9.21 277
ERPCTbaAB >= 0.9.8 259
Noxys_LessHandMoreAssembler 240
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.8.1 238
void_info 196
CharcoalBurnerEdit >= 0.5.9 194
grimerx-angels-fuelstack-rebalance 181
chemflip_ownly 165
ShinyIcons >= 0.8.1 155
RealisticFusionPowerPort 138
barrel-crafting 136
Lenny_Industries 84
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.8.5 79
1stack >= 0.7.12 79
Additional-Turret 76
chem_flip 70
math7UTBCostIncrease 63
LgksRecipeModifications 58
adamo-calibration >= 0.8.1 51
baguette_super_generous 41
labeled-storage 38
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension 37
ERPTbaAB >= 0.9.8 36
egladil-compat >= 0.9.11 32
crafting-efficiency >= 0.8.1 30
CMHMod 22
_NoCyclesInTechTree 21
AngelBobExtended >= 0.4.0 21
KaoExtended >= 0.4.0 19
rubber-ducky-fenhl 18
ShinyBob >= 0.4.1 15
Additional-Turret-016 14
Bob_Furnaces_Multipurpose 14
Fission-and-Fusion >= 0.5.2 14
auto-barrelling >= 0.5.0 13
PetroleumPower >= 0.7.4 13
methane-processing 12
EAB >= 0.9.0 12
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
CMHModBobEndGame 11
bobsangelthon >= 0.1.14 11
angelsaddons-locales 10
angelmods_rus_translation >= 0.7.12 10
TheyreMadeOutofMeat >= 0.6.0 8
Fission and Fusion >= 0.5.2 8
NoMansSky 8
ProductivityForAngels >= 0.9.7 8
functioning-mod >= 0.8.7 7
marathomaton >= 0.5.1 7
container-mass-produce >= 0.7.11 7
jvm-cargo-ships >= 0.7.12 7
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
ATRSimpleCompress >= 0.8.6 7
macks-tweaks 6
marathon-continued >= 0.5.1 5
depozfixes 4
Wizz-AlienLoot 4
Last dependency data update: 21 hours ago (for v0.9.26)