Angel's Petrochemical Processing

Angel's Petrochemical processing changes Oil processing and adds Gas processing, as well as a more complex web of chemical production. Includes overrides and tie-ins to Bob's technologies and recipes. Dependencies: Angel's Refining

1 year, 10 days ago
0.14 - 1.1


Version: 0.9.26
Date: 21.02.2024
    - Removed dependencies that are no longer relevant (975)
Version: 0.9.25
Date: 22.12.2023
    - Compatibility with Bob's changes (911)
    - Split tech Sodium processing into Sodium processing 1 and Sodium processing 2 (922)
    - Combined techs Oil Steam cracking and Gas Steam Cracking (951)
    - Fixed recipe order of carbon products to correctly display in helmod
    - Fixed fertiliser not being craftable in mod configurations (924)
Version: 0.9.24
Date: 23.02.2023
    - Fixed Nitroglycerin and explosives 2 and 3 could not be crafted in any machine (888)
    - Fixed Bob's fertilizer could not be crafted in any machine (bob greenhouses) (888)
Version: 0.9.23
Date: 01.01.2023
    - Changed the ingredient tier of some buildings (674)
      - Advance chemical plant 1
      - Advanced gas refinery 4
      - Air filter 1
      - Chemical plant
      - Flare stack
      - Oil refinery 1
      - Petrochem small inline tank
      - Steam cracker 1
    - Made Chemical plants unlock earlier in tech tree
    - Moved Red metal catalyst to Basic chemistry 3
    - Moved Ammonia synthesis recipe to Nitrogen processing 2
    - Changed the science pack tier of some techs
      - Advanced chemistry 2
      - Flare stack tech
      - Rubber
    - Removed liquification category from chemplants & adv. chemplants (854)
    - Removed chemistry category from adv. chemplants (854)
    - Changed which building some recipes require (802)
      - Atomic bomb moved from Assembling machine to Advanced chemical plant
      - Cupric chloride solution moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Ferric chloride solution moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Hydrochloric acid from salt moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Hydrofluoric acid synthesis moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Monochloramine gas moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Nitric acid from Sodium nitrate moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
      - Sodium cyanide moved from Liquefier to Chemical plant
      - Sodium perchlorate moved from Liquefier to Chemical plant
      - Solid fuel recipes moved from Liquefier to Chemical plant
      - Sulfur dioxide gas moved from Chemical plant to Liquefier
    - Split tech Advanced chemistry 3 (805)
    - Added Air filter 3 (853)
      - Reduced module slots of Air filter 1 (2 -> 0) and Air filter 2 (2 -> 1)
      - Reduced speed of Air filter 2 to 1.5
    - Aligned refining and fractioning inputs, outputs and icons (863)
      - Oil Refining now only uses a single input pipe, the same pipe used in the advanced refining recipes
        (Advanced light oil refining, Oil and condensates refining, Advanced heavy oil refining)
      - Gas fractioning now only uses a single input pipe, the same pipe used in the advanced fractioning recipes
        (Advanced light gas refining, Advanced heavy gas refining, Advanced medium gas refining)
      - Gas fractioning now only uses the first three output pipes, the same pipes used in the advanced fractioning recipes
        (Advanced heavy gas refining, Advanced light gas refining, Advanced medium gas refining)
      - The oil refining and the gas fractioning recipe icons are slightly altered to reflect the fluid layout of their respective recipe.
    - Updated sound volume of the following buildings: (482)
      - Chemical plant, Advanced chemical plant
      - Air filter
      - Electric boiler
      - Electrolyser
      - Oil refinery
      - Gas separator, Steam cracker
    - Fixed machine output arrows (839)
    - Make Oil refineries scale their recipe icons to match vanilla (874)
Version: 0.9.22
Date: 06.06.2022
    - Removed excessive logging entries from the log file (743)
    - Lowered the fuel value of crude to 35% to be more inline with the other fuels
    - Hid Ammonium chloride recycling recipe from Bob's revamp (769)
    - Added support for separate techs for barrels, gas bottles, and fluid canisters added by
      Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod (769)
Version: 0.9.21
Date: 19.12.2021
    - Added HQ graphics to the following machines, and tweaked their sounds:
      - Flare stack
      - Petrochem gas tank, Petrochem oil tank, Petrochem inline tank
      - Gas refinery, Advanced gas refinery
    - Dynamically disable Resin and Rubber when required
    - Updated Hydrazine recipe to take Blue metal catalyst instead of Green (692)
    - Added ingredient Yellow metal catalyst to Dinitrogen tetroxide recipe (692)
    - Moved Dinitrogen tetroxide recipe from Liquefier to Chemical plant (692)
    - Tweaked some technology tree prerequisites (724)
    - Removed the oxygen from the products of sodium hydroxide electrolysis to prevent excess oxygen in cyclic recipe (698)
    - Fixed some technologies still depended on electrolysis 1 and 2 in some configurations (665)
    - Fixed bug where oil separators could not be upgraded with the upgrade planner (677)
    - Fixed bug where gas refinery 3 could not be upgraded with the upgrade planner (677)
Version: 0.9.20
Date: 10.08.2021
    - Changed prerequisites of plastic before advanced electronics technology
    - Fixed emissions_multiplier were not applied correctly
    - Fixed bobs chemical plant 1, distillery 1 and electrolyser 1 were not unlocked correctly
    - Fixed heavy water separation did not enforce the fluid temperature constraint correctly
    - Added some tips-and-tricks for new players (around air separation, more to come)
    - Cleaned up old migrations
    - Rebalanced rubber usage in insuated wire recipes depending on rubber from wood ratio (606)
Version: 0.9.19
Date: 31.05.2021
    - Changed prerequisites of plastic before advanced electronics technology
Version: 0.9.18
Date: 26.05.2021
    - Tweaked some technology tree prerequisites as cleanup (428)
    - Disabled bobs valve as angels valves have an identical purpose with more features
    - Added fuel values for vanilla fuels (for compatibility) (494)
    - Removed obsolete inventory slots in the flare stack and converter valve
    - Added fuel value containing fluids to the flamethrower turret accepted fluids
      - Damage multiplier is a function of fuel value ratio with methane for "new" fuels
    - Changed and expanded locale strings and text descriptions (489)
    - Fixed that the converter valve could not be disabled (507)
    - Fixed a crash in a very old migration script (535)
Version: 0.9.17
Date: 26.11.2020
    - Updated to factorio version 1.1
    - Reviewed crude oil fuel value (its fine)
Version: 0.9.16
Date: 16.11.2020
    - Swapped the gas technology icons over to use the angels lib common icons
    - Removed obsolete icons from mod folder
    - Seperated fluor processing from sulfur processing 2 technology (428)
    - Slightly increased power of electric boiler to prevent perpetual energy generation (423)
    - Fixed fluid color of enriched water fluids
    - Fixed pipe and animation of gasses were showing liquids
    - Revised many inconsistencies in technology dependencies (428)
    - Moved Calcium chloride tech unlock from Basic chemistry 2 to Chlorine Processing 2 (428)
    - Fixed Cupric chloride solution did not have a voiding recipe (439)
Version: 0.9.15
Date: 29.10.2020
    - Added Ethylene oxide gas and Ethylene carbonate liquid when playing with angels industries
      and component mode is enabled (397)
    - Migrated valve-check to valve-inspector and updated localisations (399)
    - Some minor localisation changes to unify angels localisation across mods (372)
    - Removed obsolete Chemical plant research from bobrevamp when disabling bobs chem plants (335)
    - Fixed Solid resin item localisation (364)
    - Fixed Liquid rubber fluid color (409)
Version: 0.9.14
Date: 20.08.2020
    - Updated to base game 1.0
    - Lubricant is now green science when needed
    - Several fluids have had their state changed to be more appropriate (323)
Version: 0.9.13
Date: 17.07.2020
    - Made localisation conform with base game (342)
    - Fixed platinum would be enabled without any use. This might have an influence on your
      catalyst recipes requiring different ores!
Version: 0.9.12
Date: 10.07.2020
    - Rockets now require rocket boosters as ingredients (309)
    - Added recipe to revert Hydrofluoric Acid to Hydrogen Fluoride Gas (319)
    - Added support for the new bob salt recipes (313)
    - Moved chlorine processing 2 to green science (required for bobwarfare)
    - Nitroglycering now takes nitric and sulfuric acid directly instead of a mixture of both
    - Added setting to disable bobs distilleries (322)
    - Added setting to disable base game chemical plant (236)
    - Altered the localisation (and icons) for the sulfur scrubbing recipes for convenience (320)
    - Fixed the Oil Well was still called Crude Oil
    - Fixed bobs version of liquid fuel barreling recipe was still available
    - Fixed missing dependency of nitroglycerin processing on sulfur processing
    - Fixed bobs air compressors were hidden, but the items were still showing
    - Added some missing dependencies on technologies
    - Fixed accidently enabling platinum ore when angels industries is not present (287)
    - Fixed incorrect behaviour of the converter valve setting and improved implementation
    - Shifted the flame on top of the flare stack so it's centered on the flare tower
Version: 0.9.11
Date: 05.06.2020
    - Fixed bobs carbon dioxide got replaced with the wrong angels fluid (was hydrogen sulfide)
Version: 0.9.10
Date: 01.06.2020
    - Enriched Fuel Block from bobs added to unlocks (#261)
Version: 0.9.9
Date: 29.05.2020
    - Properly use name, amount in result and ingredient prototypes
    - Moved productivity from solid rubber to liquid rubber so it is similar to plastic and resin
    - Enable deuterium when playing with angels industry overhaul
    - Introduced Hydrogen Fluoride Gas as intermediate of Hydrofluoric Acid
    - Fixed some wrong colors on fluid recipe icons of Epichlorohydrin Gas and Phosgene Gas
    - Hidden some unused bob technologies related to deuterium
    - Fixed typo in Allyl Chloride Gas localisation
    - MP safer method of requiring files (check inside the file instead of around)
    - Fixed barreling of heavy and semi heavy water, now only possible at 25°
    - Fixed Base Mineral Oil Catalysation was listed as chemistry instead of advanced chemistry (244)
Version: 0.9.8
Date: 20.04.2020
    - Fixed bobs revamp hardmode startup
Version: 0.9.7
Date: 12.04.2020
    - Rebalanced bobs liquid fuel (energy value) and
    - Rebalanced bobs enriched fuel block recipe to need more liquid fuel
    - Prefer the new solid resin recipe from bio over bob mods
    - Fixed typo on liquid fuel oil's fuel_value (#167)
Version: 0.9.6
Date: 02.04.2020
    - Excluded Chemical Plant recipe from marathon mode when it is required for science packs
    - Remove tech for electrolyser/chem plant 2+ when its disabled #132
    - Fixed oil refinery didn't have fast_replaceable_group set
    - Fixed crash when bob pure water was disabled
    - Fixed missing localisation for heavy water separation recipes
    - Fixed failed attempt (in 0.9.5) on re-enabling rocket-fuel on existing saves
    - Fixed higher tier boilers required multiple of the previous tier with ingredient multiplier
    - Fixed startup error with bobrevamp and missing bobplates
Version: 0.9.5
Date: 24.03.2020
    - Make buildings upgradeable #119
    - Fixed production science pack required bobs chemical plant instead of angels version
    - Re-enable rocket-fuel on existing saves.
Version: 0.9.4
Date: 20.03.2020
    - Chemical recipes now always show the result products for lookup convenience
    - Added high resolution gas and liquid icons, including higher resolution molecules
    - Moved bobplates overrides in separate file
    - Added bobs electrolysis to angels electrolysers #56
    - Added option to disable bobs electrolysers #56
    - Added option to disable bobs chemical plants #56
    - Merged the rocket-fuel recipes #66
    - Removed separate solid fuel check completely #66
    - Added nuclear fuel tech since requirements for rocket fuel is different #66
    - Disabled coal liquefaction
    - Fully replaced Bob's Lithium Chloride with Angels Lithia Salt #71
    - Replaced oil in flamethrower and ammo for naptha/fuel-oil #88
    - Changed used electrode recipe to use purified water
    - Added Sodium Nitrate and related recipes
    - Added Saline Water from Water & Salt recipe
    - Moved solid fuels for bobrevamps
    - Added processing cycle for deuterium when it is present
    - Added multiple tiers for electric boilers
    - Separated tech for boilers, included recipe for steam
    - Fixed crashes when bobs assembly was enabled with electrolysers disabled
    - Added missing (water) void recipe for Sodium Hydroxide Solution
Version: 0.9.3
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Fixed crashes related to playing without angelssmelting
Version: 0.9.2
Date: 22.02.2020
    - Updated emission data, so it now shows in the ingame tooltips (and activates)
    - Updated fuel values to be based on volume not mass (and globally balanced down) GH#38
      - For reference Hydrogen is only 33kJ now
    - Fixes incorrect presets for natural-gas
    - Marked the Metal Catalyst Carrier result in recipes as a catalyst ingredient
    - Added all bobs electrolysers to include the angels recipes
Version: 0.9.1
Date: 12.02.2020
    - Changed richness multiplier of natural-gas so its more in line with crude-oil
    - Fixed error on override on (bobs) chemical plants (and electrolysers) when they where not available
Version: 0.9.0
Date: 09.02.2020
    - Updated to 0.18
    - Added missing localisations
    - Organised the recipes a bit to be found easier
    - Cleaned up fluid signals if conversion recipes are disabled
    - Added fuel values to various fluids if bobs mods is active
    - Liquid fuel requires additional Residual gas
    - Removed some obsolete localisations on the petrochem tanks
    - If bobs mods are activated, increases the storage capacity of the petrochem tanks
    - Fixed changelog not showing up
    - Fixed Ferrous/Cupric Anode Sludge required the wrong Chloride solution
Version: 0.8.6
Date: 11.06.2019
    - changed fast replace for gas refinery
    - collected tanks in their own group in fluid handling tab
Version: 0.8.5
Date: 31.05.2019
    - changed tech requirements for flare stack
Version: 0.8.4
Date: 31.05.2019
    - update to localization
    - tweak to use of electrodes
    - merge for bobs hydrogen sulfide
Version: 0.8.3
Date: 26.04.2019
    - update to several icons
    - added basic chemistry 3
    - added electrolyser electrodes
    - added tier 2 electrolyser recipes
    - changed carbon recipe
    - added sodium hydroxide solution
    - added sodium hydroxide solution handling recipes
    - adjusted rocket booster fuel value to 10 MJ
Version: 0.8.2
    - update for the resource system
Version: 0.8.1
    - fixed a recipe mixup
    - changed some overrides to use a function
Version: 0.8.0
    - update to 0.17
    - slight reduction in ammonia usage for rocket fuel
Version: 0.7.13
    - added additional checks for special bob options
Version: 0.7.12
    - decreased amount of hydrogen chloride from hydrazine recipe
Version: 0.7.11
    - fixed an error
Version: 0.7.10
    - changed rubber chains to be analog to plastic and resin chains
    - fixed porous-lime-filter error
Version: 0.7.9
    - added sulfur scrubbing recipes
    - added sulfur processing 3
Version: 0.7.8
    - balance pass on sulfur related recipes
Version: 0.7.7
    - added override for infinite uranium patches
Version: 0.7.6
    - added ingame changelog re-fromating the old changelog (thanks to vas for the hint and Warrie for reformatting them)
    - moved liquifiers to the correct subgroup
Version: 0.7.5
    - adjusted tech prerequisites to adjust for the tech shift in refining
Version: 0.7.4
    - adjusted melamine and urea recipes to use less methane
    - added missing localization strings
Version: 0.7.3
    - added converter recipes for ferric chloride solution
Version: 0.7.2
    - building recipe fixes
    - fix to electric boiler not outputting steam
Version: 0.7.1
    - building recipe fixes
Version: 0.7.0
    - update to 0.16
    - added water-gas-shift and reverse-water-gas-shift reaction recipes
    - added reskin for chemical plant
Version: 0.6.1
    - added resin 3 recipe and precursor chemicals (phosgene and bisphenol-a)
    - added additional sodium-sulfate recipes
    - moved gas-well generation inside the mod
    - consolidated explosive recipes to one category
Version: 0.5.14
    - increased power consumption for the electric boiler
    - decreased pollution production for the electric boiler
Version: 0.5.13
    - fixed crafting time for updated recipes
Version: 0.5.12
    - tweaked some recipes for buildings
    - added expensive recipes for all buildings
    - adjusted electric boiler efficiency down to 80%
    - adjusted bob wood to resin recipe to use 5 wood and take 5 seconds
    - added expensive recipes for separation, plastic, resin and rubber
Version: 0.5.11
    - added electric boiler
    - fixed animation on small gas refinery
Version: 0.5.10
    - added small inline storage tank
    - added explosives technology and advanced explosives production recipes
    - added rocket boosters, they work as fuel containers with speed boost for now
    - added toluene processing as requirement for advanced explosives
Version: 0.5.9
    - added advanced gas processing tech
    - added advanced gas refining with condensates recipe
    - added advanced gas refining with syngas recipe
    - added advanced oil refining with residual gas recipe
    - increased storage tank density per tile to 500 (oil tank - 80k, gas tank 125k)
    - split gas refinery to small and advanced variants
    - disabled fluid splitters
    - changed plastic production to use smelting mechanics: chemicals produce liquid plastic which is cast into bars, allows for easier expansion of plastic production
    - added missing catalyst carrier to nitrogen-monoxide recipe
Version: 0.5.8
    - adjusted to recent changes with bobs revamp
    - added rocket fuel capsule and rocket oxidizer capsule
    - replaced rocket fuel ingredients by fuel capsule and oxidizer capsule
    - added nitrogen monoxide
    - added dinitrogen tetroxide
    - added option to disable converter recipes completely
Version: 0.5.7
    - fixed typo in acid override check that prevented new acids being added to rubyte and bobmonium
Version: 0.5.6
    - changed steam cracking recipes to use steam instead of purified water
    - added missing localization key
    - added missing acid override for regular uranium ore
Version: 0.5.4
    - adjusted fluid box for flare-stack
Version: 0.5.3
    - removed the code to disable the crude oil barreling recipes.
    - disabled double barreling recipes for overridden bobs and vanilla chemicals
    - added migration for lubricant and ferric chloride barrels
    - added fix for valve rotation
Version: 0.5.2
    - fixed acid override option
Version: 0.5.1
    - moved heavy pump entity to refining
Version: 0.5.0
    - update to 0.15
    - converted trigger mods to mod options
Version: 0.4.9
    - removed double recipe unlock for hydrochloric acid
    - internal fix for flare-stack not crafting with handyhands mod
Version: 0.4.8
    - added productivity for plastic, resin and rubber recipes
    - added coal processing prerequisites to sodium processing
Version: 0.4.7
    - added fluorite override for UP
Version: 0.4.6
    - added sodium sulfate separation recipe
Version: 0.4.5
    - fix for empty barrel recipe
Version: 0.4.4
    - small fixes
Version: 0.4.3
    - added sodium processing tech and recipes
    - added support for smelting 0.2
    - replaced some gfx with high-res variants
Version: 0.4.2
    - added recipe for separating HCl into H + Cl
    - increased chlorine amount produced by molten salt electrolysis to 20
    - increased output of compressed air by the air filter to 20
    - changed rocket fuel recipe to 30 hydrazine, 30 dimethylhydrazine, 10 nitric acid
    - changed/buffed solid fuel recipes
    - added crude oil barrel empty/fill recipes
    - removed vanilla crude oil empty/fill recipes
    - added vanilla mode (dependencies: angelsinfiniteores, angelsrefining)
    - fixed icon for dimethylhydrazine
Version: 0.4.1
    - converter recipes "converted" to using functions
Version: 0.4.0
    - added ferric chloride barrel
    - fixed grouping order for some recipes
    - moved refineries and chemical plants to the petrochem tab
    - small internal restructure to be in line with refining
Version: 0.3.5
    - changed sulfuric acid recipes to use purified water instead of hydrogen (that was an error)
    - adjusted fluid colors
    - fixed the order for some recipes in the crafting menu
Version: 0.3.4
    - changed machine for the lubricant recipe from steam-cracker to chemical plant
    - added module slots to flare stack
Version: 0.3.3
    - migration fixes
Version: 0.3.2
    - migration fixes
Version: 0.3.1
    - migration fixes
Version: 0.3.0
    - added barreling
    - moved fluid control and tanks group to new barreling and fluid control tab
    - added molten salt electrolysis recipe
    - tweaked solid fuel recipes
    - added oil residual to oil-refinery recipes
    - added heavy-pump back in as barreling machine
    - fixed coke to carbon recipe
Version: 0.2.2
    - added description to tanks
    - renamed air filter internally to fix a conflict with air filtering mod
    - increased crafting time for compressed air
    - added residual gas to additional steam cracking recipes, also added oil residual to oil processing
    - fixed barrel stack sizes
    - added missing flare stack/void recipe for crude oil
    - fixed missing shadow for oil-tank
Version: 0.2.1
    - added trigger to disable the acid override for refining
    - added basic chemistry 2
    - added chemical plant unlock to basic chemistry 2
    - moved water electrolysis to basic chemistry 2
    - moved purified water synthesis to basic chemistry 2
    - moved calcium chloride recipe to basic chemistry 2
Version: 0.2.0
    - increased sulfur from hydrogen sulfide recipe
    - added tie in for refining to use the other acids available with petrochem
    - added earlier recipe for yellow waste water from crushed coal
Version: 0.1.15
    - moved catalyst recipes to tech unlocks
    - added recipe products to localization strings of multiple output recipes
    - added dirt water electrolysis recipe
    - added sulfur processing 2 technology
    - changed requirement for sulfur processing 1 to red science
    - added recipe chain to produce perchloric acid (no use yet)
    - added chlorine processing 3
    - changed requirements for chlorine processing 1 and 2
    - fixed a typo
Version: 0.1.14
    - added dependency for bobelectronics because of issues with carbon recipes
Version: 0.1.13
    - added coal processing 2 technology
    - moved coke pellet recipe to coal processing 2
    - moved carbon-monoxide recipe to coal processing 2
    - removed global override for lubricant, lubricant has to be mad from mineral oil again
Version: 0.1.12
    - added bobgreenhouse as optional dependency
    - added a dedicated lubricant recipe to oil processing
    - change catalysts to be 4 generic ones, which have to be refilled after use
Version: 0.1.11
    - replaced bobs liquid-air with petrochem compressed air
    - removed bobs air to nitrogen recipe
    - re-ordered placement of building recipes in the crafting menu
Version: 0.1.10
    - changed optional dependency on angels refining and bob plates to fixed dependency
    - added optional dependency for bio industries and marathon to fix issues with load order and overrides
    - added aluminium catalyst recipe back in
Version: 0.1.9
    - moved liquifier mk2 to advanced chemistry tech
    - dded unlocks for liquifier mk3 and mk4
    - fixed an override issue
Version: 0.1.8
    - added rocket fuel chain and solid fuel from hydrazine
    - changed production times (increased, 2 sec basic chemistry, 4 sec advanced chemistry and cracking, 6 sec fractioning and refining) on most recipes from the setup value of (1)
    - overrides should now be complete
    - updated splitter and flare stack recipes
Version: 0.1.7
    - added solid fuel recipes
    - added purified water from hydrogen and oxygen recipe
    - added synthesis gas from hydrogen and carbon-monoxide recipe
Version: 0.1.6
    - added specific icons for glycerol recipes
    - changed another override
    - added missing recipes to flare stack
Version: 0.1.5
    - fixed an error with the overrides it produced because of replacing sulfur processing
    - added more localization strings
Version: 0.1.4
    - added overrides to bobs
    - moved heavy-pump to addon mod along with the full barrel recipes
    - added small coal processing line
    - added electrolyser
    - added new recipes along the bob override
Version: 0.1.3
    - added technologies
    - added heavy-pump
Version: 0.1.2
    - changed splitter to work in stop mode
    - added temporary barrel recipes for all fluids
Version: 0.1.1
    - initial release