Angel's Bio Processing

Adds ways to recycle and process waste products through biological means and make use of biological processes and farming.

2 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Crash after selection of a garden in FNEI

6 years ago

Error while running event FNEI::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Gui element with name fnei_recipe_temperate-garden-flow already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
FNEI/unsort/gui.lua:134: in function '?'
FNEI/unsort/gui.lua:107: in function 'add_gui_template'
FNEI/unsort/recipe_gui.lua:189: in function 'set_products'
FNEI/unsort/recipe_controller.lua:83: in function 'draw_recipe'
FNEI/unsort/recipe_controller.lua:244: in function 'change_page_event'
FNEI/unsort/recipe_controller.lua:66: in function 'open_new_recipes'
FNEI/unsort/recipe_controller.lua:28: in function 'open'
FNEI/unsort/controller.lua:95: in function 'open_gui_event'
FNEI/unsort/controller.lua:86: in function 'open_event'
FNEI/unsort/main_controllers/main_fnei_controller.lua:90: in function '?'
FNEI/unsort/custom_events.lua:55: in function 'invoke'
FNEI/unsort/events.lua:64: in function <FNEI/unsort/events.lua:61>

6 years ago

Error also occurs whenever any Garden is shown to be used in a recipe.