Currently beta testing. Pictures to follow.
Completely overhauls alt-mode by providing more information for certain objects.
Only objects in a certain radius are shown, and only when an object is selected. This way it's possible to enjoy the graphics without information overlays everywhere.
- Background of icons change based on the quality of the item/recipe/signal.
- Combinators show the operator they are using
- Containers (both item and fluid) show the amount of each item they contain, not just which items.
- Fluids also show temperature if they are not at the default temperature.
- Accumulators show their charge
- Electric poles show the power usage of their electric network
- Radars show the signals they are receiving/transmitting
- Most objects with some kind of (item/fluid) inventory now shows their content. Including but not limited to roboports, reactors, generators, vehicles, agricultural towers, thrusters.
- Heat pipes show their temperature
O5MO for providing better logic to display icons on pipes