I`m curious: Do you plan to implement something like rounding functions? For my project I need to have the values with integer precision and if I have to deal with numbers that are to large for some result I end in infinit loops an my calculation doesn't make sense at all.
Edit: I took a look in your implementation, especially the numeric class, and tried to do it. I have no Lua experience and forgive me if this is annoying... I bet there are more lines where adjustments would be necessary, but I didn't understood the whole mod
floor = {
description = "Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the value",
parameters = { "number" },
result = "number",
parse = function(params, logic)
local param = params[1]
return function(entity, current)
return math.floor(logic.resolve(param, entity, current))
ceil = {
description = "Returns the largest integer greater than or equal to the value",
parameters = { "number" },
result = "number",
parse = function(params, logic)
local param = params[1]
return function(entity, current)
return math.ceil(logic.resolve(param, entity, current))
P.S.: I love your mod and what it is capable of. It is just great work :)