ab logistics center

by ABacker

Consume power to teleport items. A replace of robots logistics, configurable and UPS friendly.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Time taken?

4 years ago

I am trying out this mod and I've noticed as I add more and more requester chests, it takes longer and longer to fill each one. IE: when I had just 2 requester chests, I could set the request amount to 500 and keep the chest from emptying. But when I added 12 chests, I needed to set the request amount to around 800 to keep from emptying, and now that I'm over 50, I need nearly 2400 as the request amount to keep up. Why?

What I was hoping for was a mod that would let me teleport items on a given timetable (IE: it always takes X seconds to teleport any amount of items) but takes more power to do so (so shipping 12 million items takes 12 million times more power than shipping 1 item, but both take the same wall clock time). If that isn't what your mod is built to do, that's fine.

I have one logistics center, and fully researched both the capacity and energy upgrades. If that matters.

4 years ago

My bad, I changed the default value of check_chest_on_nth_tick in the last update. If this doesn't work for you, you can change it back. check-collecter-chest-on-nth-tick -> 5. check-requester-chest-on-nth-tick -> 3.

This mod should work like "teleport items on a given timetable" when you have dozens of chests. It will check a fixed number of percentages of chests per fixed game clocks. Both are configurable.

And the logistics center has only 1GJ energy buffer, which means it has a limitation on total teleportation per sec. If energy is not enough, items will not be teleported untill the logistics center gets charged. So place more logistics centers.

Thanks for reporting. Have fun!

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