Title: AAI Vehicles: Miner
Short Description: A set of mining and excavation vehicles that can quickly mine solid resources such as coal, stone, ores, etc. They also harvest any trees in their path (and can consume the wood as fuel). The Miners were designed for use with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod and can act autonomously if programmed correctly.
Name: aai-vehicles-miner
Mod State: Beta
Dependencies: Base
Discord: https://discord.gg/GDvxHgXjkk
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/earendel
Long Description
The Miner is a mobile mining vehicle with a large inventory. It can mine any of the solid ground resources like Iron Ore, Stone, Coal, etc. It it gets close to trees they are town down and the wood is collected. It will also burn the collected wood to keep itself running. The miner will continue to mine even without a driver.
There are 5 tiers of mining vehicles that take you up to the Miner MK5. Each tier increases the mining speed by around 2.5 times and also improves movement speed, inventory capacity, and fuel efficiency.
Mining vehicles do benefit from mining productivity research even though it does not show in the game's bonuses UI.
The miner is designed for AAI Programmable Vehicles which can allow a miner to dynamically move to now ore fields.
The miner is slow, so a Hauler is a good companion vehicle to collect the Miner’s resources and drop them off somewhere else.
This software is provided without warranty and the software author/license owner cannot be held liable for damages.
Commercial Use
No. You are not allowed to make money off this mod or any of the contained assets (unless you are Wube Software).
Yes. You are allowed to redistribute this mod as is. This includes being repackaged as part of a mod pack. You must disclose the source.
No. You are not allowed to distribute anything altered, or derived from this mod.
You can make modifications if you have expressed permission from me (Earendel) first.
You may make alterations for private personal use.
You may post partial modified sections of this mod in the mod portal discussion section or official forum thread for this mod (and only those locations) for the purpose of providing bug fixes or enhancements.