AAI Vehicles: Miner

A set of mining and excavation vehicles that can quickly mine solid resources such as coal, stone, ores, etc. They also harvest any trees in their path (and can consume the wood as fuel). The miners can be used standalone, or and can act autonomously if programmed with the AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Mining

b Bob's thorium ore breaks Mining Vehicle Mk. 1

7 years ago

I'm playing with Bob's ores and DangOreus and the Mining Vehicle not only doesn't mine Thorium, it stops mining anything when encountered. Not 100% certain but it looks a lot like it's about thorium ore. Also, I'm writing Mk. 1 because I didn't test other tiers.

6 years ago

If an ore is set to have a very high hardness then it can't be mined by certain things. The MK5 might be able to do it, if not you'll need to use static structures.