Update: 5-31-21 AD
Through my efforts during the school semester and over the last 6 days, I present a massively updated version of my turret pack!
The original version was made over the 2020-2021 Christmas break after finding this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/rp-turrets by raspberrypuppies. During the Spring 2021 semester, I found some time to continue working (thanks snow storm and rolling black outs reeeee!!!). Then I took some time over the last 6 days to finish up my additions, and boy was there a lot more to do than I realized.
As stated in the old description, this mod is an extension of my car turret mod, so there is no need for you to keep that enabled if you plan to use this one.
This mod has support for the Krastorio 2 mod, it's "Rebalance damage and ammo" setting, "More Realistic Weapon" setting, and "Auto-aim for MRW" setting. It also has support for Vortik's Cannon Turret mod.
Feedback is appreciated. If you think a sound is too loud or quiet, a turret is too strong or weak, or something is too cheap or expensive, or if you find a bug (no I don't mean biters :P), then feel free to start a discussion about it.
I hope you enjoy!