X100 assembler

This mod adds an Assembly machine, furnace and more with a speed of 5x and x100 recipe for all recipes and more Required Mods: EzLib >= 0.1.3 Current maintainer: ZwerOxotnik

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Unknown Key, Duplicate Item - Iron Pipe and Pipe-To-Ground, and Bio Industries Thoughts

6 years ago

There is a recipe for iron pipe and Pipe to ground that creates 2 at a time by hand, but no item name. The items appear to stack separately from the vanilla pipes and pipe-to-ground.

Bio-Industries: Just an observation, but recipes that require special processing like pretty much everything in this mod does probably should not have x100 recipes for them, it doesn't make sense for them to be craft-able in an assembly machine (as an example, raw wood via saplings, water, and ash is done in a Bio Farm structure which is like a greenhouse).

6 years ago

Can you send your log file?

6 years ago

There was no crash. Not sure if one generated.

6 years ago

It is factorio-current that generates every launch

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

but have you these problems in newer versions?

6 years ago

Haven't updated the mod yet. I'll try later and let you know.

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