This mod adds an Assembly machine, furnace and more with a speed of 5x and x100 recipe for all recipes and more Required Mods: EzLib >= 0.1.3 Current maintainer: ZwerOxotnik
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 5.2.11 Date: 05.11.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed loading in some cases (thanks to Fipcio660 )
Version: 5.2.10 Date: 20.06.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed loading (bug from 5.2.9) Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.9 Date: 30.04.2022 Changes: - Better compatibility with "Space Exploration ( Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.8 Date: 23.12.2021 Changes: - Currently, this mod ignores recipes of Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.7 Date: 23.12.2021 Changes: - Improved stability Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.3 Date: 18.12.2021 Changes: - Improved stability Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.2 Date: 07.11.2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed recipes output Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.1 Date: 07.11.2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed missing recipes Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.2.0 Date: 28.10.2021 Changes: - Removed check of recipes on each tick Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.9 Date: 28.10.2021 Changes: - Refactored some code Bugfixes: - Better compatibility with other mods Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.8 Date: 28.10.2021 Changes: - Refactored some code - Optimized Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.7 Date: 27.08.2021 Changes: - Tried to make support of "Space Exploration" Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.6 Date: 04.08.2021 Bugfixes: - Added missing texture for x100 mining drill Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.5 Date: 26.04.2021 Changes: - Optimized images - Changed some code - Explicitly declared absence of icon mipmaps - Removed unnecessary files Notes: - This version was updated for Factorio 1.1 by ZwerOxotnik
Version: 5.1.4 Date: 21.08.2020 Updates: - Transport belt textures New: - Added custom remnants for X100 belt/underground-belt/splitter Removed: - Removed X100 underground belt channel 2 (will not be removed from map)
Version: 5.1.3 Date: 20.08.2020 Updates: - Small train adjustments New: - X100 armor grid size is available in 30x30 - Non default settings are highlighted
Version: 5.1.2 Date: 16.08.2020 New: - 1.0 - fast fix (more fixes are coming)
Version: 5.1.0 Date: 27.01.2020 New: - 0.18 - factorio Version (not tested)
Version: 5.0.25 Date: 1.10.2019 Updates: - waterwell fix
Version: 5.0.24 Date: 30.09.2019 New: - Walk on pipes setting Updates: - settings are now 'dropdown'
Version: 5.0.23 Date: 26.09.2019 Updates: - waterwell fix - New pipes (new textures HR)
Version: 5.0.22 Date: 25.09.2019 Updates: - Recipes bug fix - New file/folder system - Now using emissions_per_minute - X100 electric furnace fix - Beltlayer support - Minior improvements - Ready for new staff? - Help me with debuging: Complete update report on
Version: 5.0.21 Date: 24.09.2019 New: - x100 Armor
Version: 5.0.20 Date: 21.09.2019 New: - x100 water well (waterwell mod not needed)
Version: 5.0.19 Date: 13.09.2019 Updates: - x100 roket silo tech can be reached
Version: 5.0.18 Date: 13.09.2019 Updates: - advlog missing bug fix
Version: 5.0.17 Date: 12.09.2019 Updates: - Rocket part -> Rocket
Version: 5.0.16 Date: 12.09.2019 Updates: - X100 Rocket silo optimizations
Version: 5.0.15 Date: 10.09.2019 New: - X100 Rocket silo
Version: 5.0.14 Date: 08.09.2019 New: - Setting that will check all X100 recipes
Version: 5.0.13 Date: 07.09.2019 Updates: - Bug fix
Version: 5.0.12 Date: 19.08.2019 Updates: - New reserch, old can be enabled in settings
Version: 5.0.11 Date: 11.08.2019 Updates: - 0.17.63+ support - Check all X100 Barreling pumps
Version: 5.0.10 Date: 24.07.2019 Updates: - Locale is back
Version: 5.0.9 Date: 23.07.2019 Updates: - Mod size: -70%
Version: 5.0.8 Date: 21.07.2019 New: - Energy usage and belt speed multiplier setting
Version: 5.0.7 Date: 20.07.2019 Updates: - Belts now can be upgraded from lower tiers
Version: 5.0.6 Date: 26.04.2019 Updates: - Renamed "electric-energy-accumulators-1" to "electric-energy-accumulators"
Version: 5.0.5 Date: 11.03.2019 Updates: - Crush bug fix
Version: 5.0.3 Date: 05.03.2019 Updates: - New assemblers textures in HR - Faster load ~1-3% - Crush bug fix
Version: 5.0.2 Date: 02.03.2019 New: - X100 Accumulator Updates: - Small re-group - possible bug fix
Version: 5.0.1 Date: 01.03.2019 New: - X100 Loader tech Updates: - New belt textures for 0.17 and HR
Version: 5.0.0 Date: 27.02.2019 New: - 0.17 - factorio Version - Migrations for every X100 recipe Updates: - X100 Furnace fix?
Version: 4.5.4 Date: 16.02.2019 New: - Entity group in x100 assembler - thumbnail.png Updates: - Bug fixes - X100 replicator rebalance
Version: 4.5.3 Date: 6.02.2019 New: - X100 Barreling pump Updates: - Bug fixes
Version: 4.5.2 Date: 5.02.2019 Updates: - Bug fixes
Version: 4.5.1 Date: 4.02.2019 Updates: - Bug fixes - Optimizations
Version: 4.5.0 Date: 2.02.2019 New: - localisation v2
Version: 4.4.5 Date: 31.01.2019 Updates: - X100 Furnace is now assembler
Version: 4.4.3 Date: 30.01.2019 Updates: - Bug fix
Version: 4.4.2 Date: 29.01.2019 Updates: - Recipe reworked - mod size optimizations
Version: 4.4.0 Date: 21.12.2018 New: - dark matter replicators support Updates: - localisation fix
Version: 4.3.9 Date: 20.12.2018 New: - X100 lab
Version: 4.3.8 Date: 20.12.2018 Updates: - interface improvement
Version: 4.3.7 Date: 20.12.2018 New: - X100 inserters Updates: - speed belt
Version: 4.3.0 Date: 20.12.2018 New: - X100 storage tank - X100 offshore pump - X100 pump - steam recipe Updates: - icon for X100 items
Version: 4.2.2 Date: 20.12.2018 New: - Supporting Loader Redux