Wood Mulch Processing

by Munkeh

Got wood? Turn excess wood into more useful stuff

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
8 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.7 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
577 users

About this mod
This mod will allow processing of raw wood into more important resources such as coal and stone.

  • Adds technology research: wood processing
  • Adds new 'burner' item - Wood mulch compactor
  • Adds recipe wood to stone
  • Adds recipe wood to coal
  • To 'build' the new furnace item a level 3 assembly machine is required (or it can be handcrafted)

Note from me:
I've long wanted to find a mod that could help me in maps which while abundant of wood might be lacking in essential stone or coal resources.

I couldn't find one so I went away and learned how to mod Factorio just so I can finally scratch the itch of this requirement.

I have no idea of compatibility, but I guess it shouldn't break anything? don't blame me if your game goes bonkers because of this mod!

I have no direct plans to update or alter or add upon this mod, it's provided as is with no intention of future support :)

revision notes
- revision 1.0.1 adjusted json to give the correct description of mod use.
- revision 1.0.2 adjusted charcoaling recipe to prevent lossy energy effect.
- revision 1.0.3 updated for 0.15.x patch, included production science pack to tech-recipe and adjusted wood - coal input/output balance.
- revision1.0.4 reworked the required science pack type replacing production science with science pack 3, minor adjustments to input/output balance.
- revision 1.0.5 no changes, update to work with 0.16
- revision 1.0.6 changed research to just be Packs 1 and 2, allowing 'early game' use of wood mulch (the inclusion of the Production science pack was delaying the use of the system and making it less relevant) Also some very minor adjustments of input-output.
- revision 1.0.7 trying to update to 'modern' Factorio