I genuinely don't know how the backend of Ammo Loader chests (be they worker, storage, etc.) work, but, if there's not some fundamental scripting reason you can't, do you suppose it might be possible to build in some compat and make them mergeable as well? I frequently find that the 1x1 size of them tends to severely limit the throughput of worker chests and the manageability of storage chests due to only four input/output faces (plus adjustable inserter wizardry) and their scripts not working well with more than one of them feeding the same type of entity, and in general they'd benefit highly from being mergeable. Provided that their scripting magic plays nicely with this, anyway.
This is a feature that I want badly enough that I'd be totally cool with its sprites being a total copypaste job (temporarily or otherwise) of another merged chest type; I think it's sorely needed, if it's possible.
(For the record, Ammo Loader+++ is a bugfix/fork of Ammo Loader+ and is the current functional one, until/unless silentcrim returns to the land of the living.)