Merging Chests

by Atria

Enables merging of multiple chests into one entity. Supports merging of arbitrary number of chests (configurable in mod settings). Version 5.0.0 introduced potentially breaking changes for old saves. If your have chests larger than 42 don't update to 5.0.0.

a month ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Shipping container graphics

8 months ago

This isn't a request for shipping container graphics, I actually have some to offer to you - finished ones.

I've tested them as drop-in replacements as-is without any scripting changes, and they nearly work - the edges trim off and the top edge also trims off (they're slightly over-tall so that loaders and inserts look more like they are correctly "behind" them, but that's a matter of personal taste to me) so they probably need some layering adjustments, and there's a subtle shading seam I need to fix up, but I have the graphics and also the blender source files ready to go if you have any interest in them.

Naturally I would probably just send the graphics to you, but I can provide a new "warehouse.png", and also roof decorations as separate sprites if you want them to be placeable anywhere on the roof of a container - you probably don't want to change your graphics layering code too extensively so I don't know about how feasible that is but the offer's there.

They're styled to match Factorio's steel chest, with some very (and I do mean very) small inspirations from AAI's look. I can provide links here if they're not filtered or I can post the pictures to your git page.

8 months ago

I'd definitely be interested in your proposal. If you could either send them to or to "atria1234" at Discord I'd take a look and we can talk about how we could use them.

8 months ago

Done! Thank you for your interest!

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Thank YOU. You've done basically everything that needs to be done to add it to the mod already.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Hello, did you test update before deploying?
When you start loading factorio, it becomes non responsive
After 10minutes I get this error:
With 4.1.0 everything works fine.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)


8 months ago

Yes, could you provide me with the Merging Chests mod settings you have and list of mods you have installed?

8 months ago


These might be an issue?

8 months ago

This mod setting takes some time on my side but finished loading after about a minute.

What mods do you have? Anything on top of "Merging Chests" and "Merging Chests Unlimited"?

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Ok, found the problem, you probably have "Merging Chests All Types" enabled as well...there is a problem of creating all those entities. Even on the 4.1.0 it took 20GB of memory to get through the loading. After the load was done Factorio only took 3GB.

The 4.2.0 has new sprites so it needs even more memory. But unless you really need all those merged chests I suggest you either lower the size limits or use the Whitelist setting to limit the amount of created chests types

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Yep, when I reset settings to default everything loads fine, new skin enabled.

I do have all your mods enabled.

Merging Chests
Merging Chests All Types
Merging Chests Logistic
Merging Chests Unlimited

I can prob live with the default settings. So should I disable Unlimited mod?

8 months ago

Depends on what merged chest sizes you are expecting to use. Basically you should set the mod settings to the maximum you are expecting to actually use.

I usually set the max width, height and area to the length of the train I'm planning to use. That way I can still un/load evenly and keep the memory consumption to a minimum. You can always increase the limits later if you need to.

8 months ago

Thank you, I appreciate the tips.
Is there a way to force show this nice new skin, rather trashdump sprite?

8 months ago

Set the "Trashdump threshold" really high

New response