Merging Chests

by Atria

Enables merging of multiple chests into one entity. Supports merging of arbitrary number of chests (configurable in mod settings). Version 5.0.0 introduced potentially breaking changes for old saves. If your have chests larger than 42 don't update to 5.0.0.

a month ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Nullius integration

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Is it possible to add compatibility with Nullius small chests? I have made a personal modification that appears to work (based on the DyWorld patch earlier):


if MergingChests.CheckMod("nullius") then
    MergingChests.MergableChestIdToData["nullius-small-chest-1"] = {
        id = "nullius-small-chest-1",
        name = "Nullius Small Storage Chest 1",
        type = "iron",
        additional_properties = {
            icon = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/iron-chest.png",
            icon_size = 32
    MergingChests.MergableChestIdToData["nullius-small-chest-2"] = {
        id = "nullius-small-chest-2",
        name = "Nullius Small Storage Chest 2",
        type = "steel",
        additional_properties = {
            icon = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/steel-chest.png",
            icon_size = 32


MergingChests.AreaChests = {
    ["wooden-chest"] = true,
    ["iron-chest"] = true,
    ["steel-chest"] = true,
    ["brass-chest"] = true,
    ["titanium-chest"] = true,
    ["small-storage"] = true,
    ["small-storage-2"] = true,
    ["small-storage-3"] = true,
    ["nullius-small-chest-1"] = true,
    ["nullius-small-chest-2"] = true
2 years ago

Sure, here you go.

2 years ago

Thank you kindly.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Bother I didn't realise that the forum software had converted some of the lua syntax into markdown formatting. It converted [underscore][underscore]base[underscore][underscore] into base. I have figured out how to show the code correctly and I have corrected my original post. My apologies for causing a problem.

Without the underscores the mod will fail to load.

2 years ago

Sorry, I didn't even tested it :blush: . And now that I have, I noticed that when splitting Dyworld/Nullius chests you get the incorrect chest back. So that will be a breaking change, requiring some more testing. Also there appear to be more than these chests in Nullius, so I'll add them as well.

New response