i had the same error with wooden chests and without angel/bob (warehouse 14x4=52 > 50), but on reading the patchnotes for factorio 0.18.19, this seems to be a new feature of the base game, and thus no simple bug/fix, but requires some completely new idea to make such widechests placeable when they consist of too many single chests :-(
didn't some mod setting exist to allow or disallow this feature (increase stacksize for chests to allow this)?
a first quick "fix" to at least make existing maps usable and not lose those chests and their contents when loading the map without the mod might be to remove this parameter from the prototype and thus temporarily disallow widechests in cut/copy/paste and blueprints (make them only buildable directly, but not by bots etc). or it might be as simple as forcing this mod parameter to be enabled and automatically increase the stacksizeof chests (when playing with 42x42 widechests, vanilla chests suddenly would get a stacksize of 1764+ :-) ...
(disclaimer: i am no modder; this post is only to inform about what i saw, for everybody to understand the problem that this mod now has and why there might be some changes to widechests and vanilla stacksize of chests in the future)
patchnotes for 0.18.19 :
Added a check to make sure placeable_by.count isn't larger than the placeable_by.item.stack_size.
(to fix the problem described in https://forums.factorio.com/83928)
the function that has this limit now : https://wiki.factorio.com/Prototype/Entity#placeable_by
Type: ItemToPlace or table of ItemToPlace
Item that when placed creates this entity. Determines which item is picked when "Q" (smart pipette) is used on the entity, determines which item is needed in a blueprint of this entity.
The item count specified here can't be larger than the stack size of that item.