Merging Chests

by Atria

Enables merging of multiple chests into one entity. Supports merging of arbitrary number of chests (configurable in mod settings). Version 5.0.0 introduced potentially breaking changes for old saves. If your have chests larger than 42 don't update to 5.0.0.

a month ago
0.13 - 1.1

b the mod is broken

5 years ago

when i try to make the width to 100, and the another number to 10000, it can not play with the base mod, and now i can't use this mod.
i want to fix it back to the first time number, but i don't know how to fix it, can anyone help me?
my problem now is i couldn't use this mod, it will crash when entering the game, and i need to banned to play the game

5 years ago

If you set width to 100 and height to 10000 then you are trying to create a million different entities. Game can't handle that. If you want to reset the settings to default you can: delete the mod.settings.dat in you %AppData%/Factorio/Mods. Or if you want to preserve settings on other mods then it will be dificult, you will have to manually modify this file to remove all settings for WideChests mod. This second options is far more risky, because it it a binary file and you may not succeed.

I'll try to add some hard limit to another version of this mod.

5 years ago

oh my god!!!!
thank you!! i have tried everything, and your solution is the right move!!!
i can use this mod again!!!

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