Merging Chests

by Atria

Enables merging of multiple chests into one entity. Supports merging of arbitrary number of chests (configurable in mod settings).

29 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i please make wide chests smart like all other chests in 0.14

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

really nice mod, and in the newest version the wide chest with the size of 42 steel chests is even bigger than the biggest warehouse (42*48=2016 vs 2000 :-)

I just tried to setup a beltless smeltery, unloading ore from one train with 1-6 wagons, then smelting in 15 electric furnaces, and loading on another train with 1-6 wagons on the next rail. thus i also got the problem how to fit a 9-tile high setup between two rails that have either 8 or 10 tiles distance. but if i use mods anyway, i can also use bobs inserters for variable arm length, or mini smelters which are only 2x2 instead of 3x3. thus it's no problem when widechests are not 2*N in size.

but then i got a real problem : how do i check whether the chests are full or empty, how do i provide the contents to a circuit network, how can i detect whether another train needs to deliver more ore, or whether another train can come to get the plates? in contrast to all other chests which were made smart in vanilla, the wide chests of this mod seem to be still the same dumb pure steel chests of the last factorio versions which can't be connected to circuit networks :-(

EDIT: lol ... i just found out that the wide chests really are smart chests that can be connected, but because of their length, it's not so easy to properly connect them at distances that work. i first had only tried connecting either end to something, or connecting a combinator to the chest and that didn't work.
to make it work, connect the chest with a wire to some other items near the middle of the chest (probably exact middle +- 7 tiles). then the wire connection will be shown as if connected to the left end of the chest.

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