Whistle Stop Factories

Spawns massive furnaces and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about building trains to connect them

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Non recoverable error with AAI Programmable Vehicles

4 years ago


I am playing a game with the Space Exploration mod and AAI Programmable Vehicules and I am encountering an intermittent issue/crash.
This only happens when I am exploring the map. I am using the current/latest version of all the mods listed above.
I can share my save in case it helps troubleshooting and fixing this issue.

The mod AAI Programmable Vehicles (0.6.14) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event aai-programmable-vehicles::script_raised_built (ID 77)
The mod Whistle Stop Factories (0.3.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event WhistleStopFactories::script_raised_destroy (ID 78)
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/controlSpawnEvent.lua:95: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/controlSpawnEvent.lua:95: in function 'destroyLoaders'
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/controlSpawnEvent.lua:154: in function 'on_destroy_event'
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/controlSpawnEvent.lua:168: in function <WhistleStopFactories/scripts/controlSpawnEvent.lua:166>
[C]: in function 'raise_event'
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/spawnFactory.lua:30: in function 'spawn'
WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:186: in function <WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:153>
stack traceback:
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2696: in function 'struct_construction_denial'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2706: in function 'struct_manage_entity'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:3371: in function 'callback'
aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:14: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:12>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'destroy'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2696: in function 'struct_construction_denial'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:2706: in function 'struct_manage_entity'
aai-programmable-vehicles/control.lua:3371: in function 'callback'
aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:14: in function <aai-programmable-vehicles/scripts/event.lua:12>
stack traceback:
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/spawnFactory.lua:30: in function 'spawn'
WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:186: in function <WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:153>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'raise_event'
WhistleStopFactories/scripts/spawnFactory.lua:30: in function 'spawn'
WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:186: in function <WhistleStopFactories/control.lua:153>

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