Whistle Stop Factories

Spawns massive furnaces and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about building trains to connect them

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Chemical plant & Centrifuge

6 years ago

We have the oil but now we need a chemical plant to go with it. (maybe it's being worked on?) & Lastly a centrifuge would wrap it all up. they maybe in the works but what do I know. Loving this mod Keep up the Awesome work!

6 years ago

The assembly machines actually work as chemical plants (2 fluid inputs, 2 fluid outputs, and can handle the chemical plant recipes)

I don't plan to do centrifuges because I view it as a bit too specialized. If I included them they would be spawned VERY rarely. And in my games, I've never had more than ~10 centrifuges, and usually they aren't even all doing just one recipe. Having a ~50x powerful centrifuge seems unnecessary.

6 years ago

First, I want to say that I'm really enjoying your mod. Thanks a lot! I'm trying to do all manufacturing other than my base mall with your factories and refineries. So one reason to request centrifuges is kind of a completeness thing. The other reason is that this sort of base requires a LOT of trains. So, since nuclear fuel is made in centrifuges, I'm expecting I'll be making a lot. If you don't feel centrifuges are necessary, could you do something like you did with chemical plants and have nuclear fuel made in big factories?

6 years ago

I've added an option for enabling centrifuge recipes in big assembly machines that will be turned off by default, but feel free to enable it once I release version 0.1.6.

6 years ago


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