Whistle Stop Factories

Spawns massive furnaces and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about building trains to connect them

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Biters

6 years ago

Is there a way to "fix" a damaged smelter? Like say if some of the loaders get eaten by the Biters? :)

6 years ago

Has this happened to you? The loaders are suppose to be indestructible. Or are you saying that some of the loaders should start disappearing as the building takes damage?

If you have in-fact lost loaders, then one way to fix it would be to rotate the structure, which will restore any loaders. But loaders shouldn't be getting eaten, so I'd be curious to how that is happening.

6 years ago

Yes i have lost loaders, when normal biters are attacking. Rotating the big smelter fixed the problem. i have both miniloader and loader redux installed, maybe something is conflicting.

6 years ago

Hey, I'm using 0.1.1 and the biters like to destroy not only the loaders, but the factories itself. Is this expected? I have no chance to fight biter bases at this point.

6 years ago

In v0.1.2 I've increased their health to 1600 and also given them a number of strong resistances. The loaders are indestructible. The biters will still eventually destroy the big factories, but hopefully the extra health and resistances give you the ability to get to them before they get destroyed.

6 years ago

Avongard, is it possible to add a mod option to make the big factories indestructible? I'm in a late game and the biters tend to destroy them as soon as I get within 5 screens.

6 years ago

I've added an option for you. Please update to 0.1.5. Thanks for the suggestion.

6 years ago

Thank you!

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