Whistle Stop Factories

Spawns massive furnaces and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about building trains to connect them

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Can't smelt steel, bricks. [Solved]

6 years ago

Just like in title. I found a big furnace but I can't smelt stone or iron plates to bricks and steel.

6 years ago

This issue was fixed in version 0.0.2 by changing big furnaces to assembling machines where you select the recipe. Thanks for the report.

6 years ago

Hey Avongard, first thanks for this mod, been an interesting change of pace using these instead of creating standard outposts.

But even with 0.1.5 version of the mod, I don't have a Steel option. I do see bricks on the big furnaces, but there is no recipe for me to use with the assemblies for steel like what I see in the screenshots. Any suggestions?

6 years ago

That's odd, as steel works fine for me.

First, can you double check that you have researched steel? Just like normal machines, the recipe won't appear until you've researched it.

Next, make sure you're clicking on one of the big furnaces and on the Intermediate Products tab? Steel should be right next to copper and iron if you've researched it.

If it isn't one of those two, my next best guess is that it is some other mod that is messing with it. Can you try deactivating mods until it starts working again to try to figure out which mod my mod might be in conflict with?

6 years ago

Hi, I'm not the OP, but came looking for an answer to the same issue. For me, toggling off the "Recycle Everything" mod restores the recipe for smelting iron plates to steel, which is not present when "Recycle Everything" is active. Guess I'll have to do without recycling in this playthrough!

6 years ago

Sounds like a bug. The fact that their mod is disabling/enabling my recipes without apparent reason makes me think the bug is in"Recycle Everything" mod. Looks like that mod is also depreciated, so probably no point in reporting the bug.

I'd recommend just trying one of the other recycling mods that are out there. Like Reverse Factory or Recycling Machines.

New response