Well Planner

Automatically layout pumpjack fields. Now works Natural Gas! Now works with Bob's Mods and Krastorio 2!

1 year, 1 month ago
0.18 - 1.1
Mining Fluids

g Description mistakes

4 years ago

"Just craft the Well Planner from the crafting menu." – In 0.18.15 I can't see it in my crafting menu. I can see only the link in the special panel. (But I can see the crafting possibilite through the FNEI mod.)
"Right click on the planner item in your inventory to edit the settings." – I can't put the link in my inventory. Right click on the planner item link doesn't work.

4 years ago

In 0.18.15 it is in the "Production" tab of the crafting menu. It should be on the right side of the first row of recipes. The icon is pumpjack on a light blue background. I don't know what the "special panel" is.

4 years ago

Ok, it seems I'm overconfident :) Sorry.
It looks like there is a conflict with some of my mods installed.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Sorry. Now I can see it's my fault.
The reason is Shortcuts mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Shortcuts):

When a shortcut is autogenerated, or officially added in this mod, the planner item will be no longer craftable (free through the shortcut), becomes hidden from the technology effects, and can no longer be stored in inventories.

4 years ago

模组 Well Planner (0.18.7) 引发了无法恢复的错误。

Error while running event WellPlanner::on_mod_item_opened (ID 83)
Unknown style CGUI_yellow_logistic_slot_button
stack traceback:
WellPlanner/control.lua:1034: in function 'item_selector_flow_2'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1117: in function 'gui_open_close_frame'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1175: in function 'on_mod_item_opened'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1212: in function <WellPlanner/control.lua:1210>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1034: in function 'item_selector_flow_2'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1117: in function 'gui_open_close_frame'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1175: in function 'on_mod_item_opened'
WellPlanner/control.lua:1212: in function <WellPlanner/control.lua:1210>

4 years ago

The crashing bug has been fixed in version 1.1.0.

New response