Water Well (pump free water from the ground)

A water well pump, to pump water from the groundwater table.

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1


1.1.2 - Removed an overlooked inherited attribute
1.1.1 - Update for 1.1, Well inherits attributes now directly from assembling maschine
1.0.21 - Update for 0.18, new HD graphics from BrutusMaximus, additional recipe for Industrial Revolution
1.0.20	- factorio 0.17 compatible
1.0.19	- factorio 0.16 compatible
1.0.18	- update water flow to 2000/s
1.0.17	- factorio 0.15 compatible
1.0.15	- factorio 0.14 compatible
1.0.14	- better init forces when installing on existing game.
1.0.13	- minor fixes, new utils, code cleaning, locale corrections.
1.0.11	- 0.13 compatible. rework of initialisation routines. Custom license.
1.0.10	- changed water flow recipe to enable=true, hidden=true to be compatible with blueprint-string.
1.0.9	- Adds czech locale by Xmat.
1.0.8	- Adds russian locale by Oceanel.
1.0.7	- Improves multiplayer compatibility.
1.0.6	- Changes the inner water flow recipe to smoothen the water production, have a larger water output buffer and be less CPU demanding. The max water flow remains 100/s.
1.0.5	- not released.
1.0.4	- Adds locale for polish (thanks to LubieArbuzy) and spanish (thanks to frenchiveruti).
1.0.3	- Adds locale for german (thanks to Apcnc) and french (my own language).
1.0.2	- Adds multiplayer compatibility
1.0.1	- Correction of the energy type to secondary, and emission polution
1.0.0	- Initial release!