Water Turret

by Pi-C

This mod provides an early game Water thrower that does minimal damage but slows down the enemies (use steam for extra damage!) and an advanced turret for extinguishing fires (use "Hardened pipes" to give it extra resistances!).

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g (Pin Me) Water Turret Blueprint READY TO USE !

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


just c/p it and use it =)
(work better with upgrade paper)
exported from "Dae-Bp" mods

4 years ago

Sorry, doesn't work yet! :-)

The turrets aren't green,
as can be easily seen.
Go back to the drawing pad
and use red circuits instead!

(But I'd never thought of using cargo wagons this way -- that's splendid!)

4 years ago

aren't green ? i don't understand, this blueprint work. llok ;)

for other Wagon buffer desin, please check "Dae-BP" on mods.factorio, it's just a txt files, not a real mods

4 years ago

Sorry, it was late last night. All other ingredients being fed from South, I missed the one requester chest for red circuit at the top right. Didn't help much that I didn't have a robot network around -- just a quick new game with Creative Mod. My requester chest remained empty, so fire extinguisher turrets never were built and I thought you'd mistaken green for red circuits.

3 years ago

update for 1.1
21k/mn of powder

New response