Water Turret

by Pi-C

This mod provides an early game Water thrower that does minimal damage but slows down the enemies (use steam for extra damage!) and an advanced turret for extinguishing fires (use "Hardened pipes" to give it extra resistances!).

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [Implemented] Russian-language localization

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

WaterTurret=Water Turret (Водомёты)

WT-action-delay=Интервал активации водомёта (в секундах)
WT-fire-extinguish-radius=Тушить пожары в этом радиусе
WT-immunity-spawner=Не атаковать ульи
WT-immunity-turret=Не атаковать турели и червей
WT-steam-damage-modifier=Множитель урона паром

WT-action-delay=Установите интервал активации водомётов в секундах. Меньшие значения повышают нагрузку на производительность, если у вас много водомётов. Но тогда водомёты будут тратить больше времени на автоматическое нацеливание и будут дольше искать новые пожары.\nПределы значений: 5-30\nЗначение по умолчанию: 10
WT-fire-extinguish-radius=Если водомёт запитанный водой, то все пожары в этом радиусе будут потушены.\nСовет: меньшие значения более реалистичны, а большие улучшают производительность.
WT-immunity-spawner=Ульи будут неуязвимы к урону от пара и воды.\nПо умолчанию: включено.
WT-immunity-turret=Турели и черви будут неуязвимы к урону от пара и воды.\nПо умолчанию: включено.
WT-steam-damage-modifier=При атаке паром, урон умножается на этот коэффициент.\nПределы значений: 5-20\nЗначение по умолчанию: 10


WT-water-turret=Водомёты замедляют врагов в два раза. Запитанные водой они могут тушить пожары, а паром они могут наносить хоть какой-то урон.\nСовет: чем выше температура пара, тем больше урон.


WT-water-turret=Водомёты замедляют врагов в два раза. Запитанные водой они могут тушить пожары, а паром они могут наносить хоть какой-то урон.\nСовет: чем выше температура пара, тем больше урон.


WT-water-turret=Водомёты замедляют врагов в два раза. Запитанные водой они могут тушить пожары, а паром они могут наносить хоть какой-то урон.\nСовет: чем выше температура пара, тем больше урон.


WT-steam=Урон водомёта, запитанного паром
WT-water=Урон водомёта, запитанного водой

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Why are only two parameters displayed in the settings (in the game) - Interval to check turrets and Modifier for steam damage?
Have the rest of the settings been removed or is it just my problem?

Почему в настройках (в игре) отображаются только два параметра — Interval to check turrets и Modifier for steam damage?
Остальные настройки убрали или это только у меня проблемы?

3 years ago

Wow, thanks for another translation! I'll include it with the next update (but it may take some time before I can release).

Why are only two parameters displayed in the settings (in the game) - Interval to check turrets and Modifier for steam damage?
Have the rest of the settings been removed or is it just my problem?

I've commented out WT-immunity-spawner and WT-immunity-turret. I believe (don't quite remember because I didn't leave comments about that in the code) I turned off immunity because it didn't make much sense at the time: The turrets would automatically target all enemies, and I had to check in control.lua whenever something was damaged by water or steam if that was a spawer/worm, then restore its health and order the water turret to look for another target. So, that would be a UPS hog that wasn't worth it.

However: I've requested a target filter, and it has been implemented in Factorio 0.18.33. When I integrate that, I'll add the immunity settings again. Looking for suitable target will then be done by Factorio, based on the prototype data, so expensive scripting won't be needed anymore. But doing this right now would mean I'd have to depend on Factorio >=0.18.33 (which is bad because I'd force players to upgrade), or add version checks to the code and make sure the new code won't crash the game with older versions of Factorio. I'd have no problem to do this if Factorio 1.0 wasn't scheduled to be released in just a couple of weeks.

My plan is to make a working final release well before 1.0 is out. I may even add alternative files so daring players can easily mod the mod themselves if they wanted to. This would give me a chance to fix bugs before 1.0 drops. But that's only a plan: Work in RL is interfering, and I've also too many other mods to take care of. So, worst case scenario is you'll have to wait some weeks longer.

Still, do you really only see 2 options? Nothing about radius for extinguishing fires? That should be there, at least you've translated the string so your version should include this setting.

Почему в настройках (в игре) отображаются только два параметра — Interval to check turrets и Modifier for steam damage?
Остальные настройки убрали или это только у меня проблемы?

Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression! I've learned some Russian at school (oh so many years ago!), and I can read the Cyrillic script, and even get some words or even phrases. But if you'd only write Russian I wouldn't understand much. Even the short "thank you" I sent last time was something I had to copy from a dictionary -- not because I didn't know the words but because I can't find Cyrillic letters on my keyboard. Apparently, there isn't enough room because they had to reserve too many keys for the German umlauts. :-D

3 years ago

The screenshot shows that there are only 2 settings: https://yadi.sk/i/ke_RCVaj3koBdQ

3 years ago

Ooops, my mistake! You translated the string, but I temporarily removed the setting from the latest version and must have reenabled just that one setting while working on the next release. :-)

3 years ago

If in the new version of the mod there are changes in the localization file, write here I will update the translation.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi! Would you mind translating some strings for a new setting?
Not sure if there will be more yet … :-)

EDIT: Removed for now, too many changes, not final yet … Perhaps you'd better add the locale for 1.0.1 after you've seen 1.0.0.

New response