Water-Friendly Walls

by _zapper

Screw landfill! Defences on the coastline is no longer painful and ugly! Place walls, gates, land mines, and big electric poles on shallow water! Walls no longer visually connect to nothing when next to water! Walls no longer visually connect to nothing when next to the vacuum of space! Supports modded shallow tiles, walls, gates, land mines, and big electric poles!

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Mod Not Functional

8 days ago

Unsure what I'm doing wrong, the mod is enabled and up to date but I can't place any walls or gates on shallow or deep water, trying to use stone walls and stone gates. Also tried others just to test. Factorio is up to date.

a day ago

Sorry for the late response!
1. What mods are you using?
2. This mod only lets you place walls on shallow water, water tiles that your character can already walk over (which is different from regular water). Does this problem apply to 'shallow-water' (best tested in the map editor or in the 'Alien Biomes' mod)?

New response