Void Block

by S6X

Start with nothing, build everything.

3 days ago

i Productivity bonus doesn't apply to void flux recipes, and higher tier recipes being redundant

2 months ago

Hi I'm new to the mod and really enjoying it, and trying to figure out how to start expanding from a factory of about 20 voidworks at the moment. I've just unlocked the productivity bonus, and found that it doesn't apply to void flux recipes, and am not sure if this is a bug or feature. If intentional, I think I can see the thought process of it to be to prevent you just being able to voidcraft basic items and use the excess to produce void flux, increasing the efficiency by a bit, but since you need 100% productivity to do this, and as of now I'm pretty sure the only way to increase voidcrafting productivity is with research, I don't think that would be a problem or an unfun thing to implement in the factory. It makes it feel like a waste to use the void flux recipes, like they're weaker.

I feel this same problem applies to the higher tier voidcrafting recipes, where after a bit of math, i think they take more energy/time than crafting with basic ingredients voidcrafted. I think an easy solution would be to make them just a bit more efficient (in terms of energy) than their base ingredients, and the cost is that you then have to deal with ferrying around more intermediates/materials as a logistical cost.

I'm really enjoying the mod though, and am excited for any more changes to come, especially as I didn't initially realise this had all the space age content!

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Productivity not applying to void flux was an oversight, so I've fixed that.

As for higher tier voidcraft, I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the balance of voidcrafting itself, and 1.3.0 included some major code refactoring to make it easier for me (or anyone else interested, really) to tweak the numbers. Right now, the cost of voidcrafting something is pretty close to the sum of the time it takes to craft its component parts, which, I've started thinking, may be too high given the way most factories can do multiple things in parallel and this doesn't really account for it. So, I definitely see what you're saying, and there will probably be some further changes along these lines.

If you're interested, I posted my thoughts in the discussion area of the Voidcraft mod itself: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Voidcraft/discussion/675611353c3ede17033efda6

2 months ago

Thanks very much for being active with feedback! I'm excited for any further changes in the mod, but that won't stop me from trying to progress with its current fully functional state.

New response