
Adds far-flung outposts to encourage exploration, expansion, and networking on a large scale.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Inhibits map generation?

8 years ago

Now I haven't had time to test this issue fully but with a large group of other mods - principally Bob's & Angel's when 'Outposts' was added to my current list ( quite a lot (about 100!) the game would load up all the mods successfully but when a new map was generated, nothing happened. The game didn't crash out but just sat there... thinking it might need more time I left it for about 15 minutes - nothing happened. Had to exit using task manager so no log generated. Removed the Outposts mod file and map generation was fine.

8 years ago

@jakethepeg: I can think of one place where generation might get inhibited, but I'm not sure. I'll look into it.

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