
Adds far-flung outposts to encourage exploration, expansion, and networking on a large scale.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Question: Usability

8 years ago

Does this mod Require the custom scenario, or can it be used on any map/scenario? As I like the idea of finding random structures in exploration in a multiplayer scenario i'm running with friends that I set up. This mod if it adds random spawning structures sounds like a perfect fit for the story i'm building.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

For added information, it's primarily an Angels/Bobs modset with some customization.

8 years ago

WEll, I just tried to load the multiplayer game i had set up, and it did not work.same with another existign save.

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
VersepellesOutposts/control.lua:507: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

8 years ago

And it's not as i quite expected. I thought it would be more of clusters of structres compared to just a single little box here and there. still a neat idea.

8 years ago

Hey Riversand, sorry about the multiplayer issue; I was unable to test that thoroughly, so I'll make a note of that. As far as other mods go and the freeplay scenario, Angels and Bobs should work (but I haven't personally tested) and the mod should be fine with any new game type. I'm actually planning a larger mod called Towns (working title) that adds more of what you are looking for, but Outposts does center around single building outposts.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

mod does not work.
error while running the eent handler: VersepellesOutpost/control.lua:83 attempt to index field Stack-inserter

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Hey maartenvanloo, can you provide some details on this error? Did this occur from a fresh save, or did you load into an existing one? Were you able to play at all? What other mods are you running? Any information is useful!

I suspect you may not be playing on the latest 0.13 version. Try updating to that version.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

i started a new save and i'could never play, i deleted alL other mods trying to make this one work.
i'm playin 0.13.5

8 years ago

@maartenvanloo: I updated the mod to force using the newer versions of Factorio. Try that if you are still interested, and sorry about the trouble!

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

well thx to update the mod but for some reason it still doesn't work...

8 years ago

@maartenvanloo I'm very sorry about that.

If anyone else has the same problem and could provide information, that would be helpful.

8 years ago

Error while running event on_player_created (ID 24)
Error while running event on_research_finished (ID 18)
No such node (state)
stack traceback:
research-queue/functions/draw_grid.lua:28: in function 'options'
research-queue/functions/draw_grid.lua:115: in function 'drawGrid'
research-queue/control.lua:161: in function <research-queue/control.lua:136>
stack traceback:
VersepellesOutposts/control.lua:57: in function <VersepellesOutposts/control.lua:24>
that's what I get when trying to run the scenario
I use all of 5dims and rso

8 years ago

@Popster99: Hmm, was this immediate or after a while playing the game? Also, I thought 5dim wasn't updated to 0.13?

8 years ago

immediate of course its updated to 0.13 ive been using it since 0.13 came out

8 years ago

@Popster99: Hmm, not sure of the problem still. Sorry for the inconvenience.

New response