Hard Storage

Decreases storage capacity of many containers and adds some new options.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

i Request: change stack sizes

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Is it possible to have stack size modifiers for different types of storage? I'd like to cut player inventory and hotbar stack size down to perhaps 1/5th so that the player can have lots of slots for keeping a wide variety of stuff on hand, but it's not a high total amount so the player must use chests or vehicles to store or transfer large amounts of stuff. Also it would be great to add a modifier to the 1x1 chests, maybe 0.5, so that they could have twice as many slots. I hate wooden chests in the current iteration, not because they don't hold much, but because it's only two max types of items. I'd love it if I could put in four half stacks instead, then I might actually use them at all.

Additional request:
There are a few items that have their stack sizes all wrong, and it shows up when you have to worry about inventory space. Here's a couple I noticed so far:
1.) Transport Belts: they only stack to 50 even though you make two at a time and use copious amounts of them. It is difficult to lay down a transport belt system without running back and forth to a storage bin to grab more belt stacks. I think it would make more sense if they stacked to 100.

2.) Bullet Ammo: the submachinegun without upgrades can run through 1.5 magazines per second, which is 15x as fast as shotgun ammo consumption. It's tedious and expensive enough in vanilla Factorio to keep all your bullets coming, but with Hard Storage I can't even install a turret perimeter without running back to the box to get more. When I drive the tank, I wind up strapped for ammo because I want to dedicate the limited space to carrying steel usually--so I can set up an outpost.

I think 30 rounds per magazine is reasonable. That's the same as M-16 Magazines in real life.

3.) Oil Barrels (as well as other barrels in Fluid Barrel mod): they hold 25 fluid and stack to 10. This means a basic repository is the same size as a storage tank but can hold 8000 fluid (3.2x as much), and it can input/output the fluid faster when used with three fast inserters. One inventory row of ten holds the same as a storage tank.

I was thinking change them to hold only 10 fluid per barrel, and stack only to 5, that way a basic repository holds 1600 fluid, considerably less than the storage tank. It also makes the train cargo wagon hold 1000, while the oil tanker holds 2500 like the storage tank. This way barrels take up more space than one big tank, but can be manipulated faster.

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