
by Zaflis

Smoothly snaps movement angle when driving cars or tanks.

30 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

b the vehicle snap disabling itself with SE map change is also present in lunar landings mod

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

like the title presents, the map changing force changing whatever changing vehicle snap disabling thingy is still there, in lunar landings overhaul. exiting and reentering vehicle solves it. when you change to satellite view to view luna surface, you control a robot, a droid. idk. after returning from there and controlling your own player, the bug happens.

5 months ago

I'm not sure exactly how i would go about testing the bug or which approach to use to fix it. I had a playthrough in Warptorio 2 before and i never noticed the issue...

But instead of re-entering the vehicle you can use the hotkey once or twice, which i think defaulted to Shift-V. Just 1 use of hotkey should reflect current state to the bottom right quickbar button too. Clicking that would also force a state change.

I just had a quick check in source code and all the data is linked to the actual players. Which surface or force they belong to should not be relevant.

5 months ago

yes, can confirm. entering exiting vehicle OR pressing shift + v solves it. to test the bug, you can install lunar landings mod, activate the lunar exploration research to gain access to luna, press N to view luna and then press N again to go back to nauvis, and if you were driving a vehicle before going to moon view, you would now lose the snap.

3 months ago

Sorry i took too long, but update should be here finally. I don't know what happens with Space Exploration but at least Lunar Landings works. The code should be a little stabler even than before at least in theory.

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