Vanilla Petroleumhandling Expanded

Changelings to petroleum handling and connected producation-lines like plastic, sulfur and rocket-fuel. Vanilla-Friendly. A liquid-fuel burning entity is now included! Rough compatibility with Industrial Revolution (WIP).

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Krastorio 2 Support

4 years ago

Your mod works with Krastorio 2, in that they load together, but playing with it I've run into a blockage.

In order to make steel you need coke, but to make coke you need a refinery which requires steel. Also your coke product seems to override Krastorio's coke leading to a dead end where you can't progress.

4 years ago

I have not been active in factorio in the meantime. I will look into the Krastorio 2 mod. Do you have any suggestions for a compatibilty? How to remove the steel deadlock?

4 years ago

If you changed the refinery recipe to iron that would fix it, but might run havok on other mods changing the refinery. Another option would be give some steel at the beginning if Krastorio is detected.

Other than that just combining y'all's coke recipes (until I get past that part and find something else incompatible) would do wonders.

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